first and formost TooL and ofcourse At the Drive In. A Perfect Circle. Radiohead, Nirvana, Thrice, Linkin Park, Led Zeppelin, Pink Ployd, Rage, RHCP, System, Alice in Chains, Scorpions, Metallica, Maiden, Mars Volta, The Used, alittle of everything.
SIMPSONS!!!!! FAMILY GUY!!!! of course WWE and anything NBA and yeah i live in LA but its all about the CLIPPERS!!!!!!!!!
does FHM count??? and yes i actually do read the articles.
Hugh Hefner and Vince McMahon cause they where able to take there vision, market it, and make it huge and what it is today. well in a buisness aspect those would have to be my heroes. i cant take anything away from my parents because their the real reason i am what i am today