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Denise Richardson

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"Give Me Back My Credit is a book that every American consumer must read. Denise exposes the truth about how our nation's credit system really works and how our consumer protection rights have slowly, but intentionally been wiped away by corporate greed and government acceptance. In a clear and simple voice, Denise teaches everyone how they can try to protect their rights and how we must collectively fight back to get back our rights and our credit!"Ira Rheingold, Executive Director and General Counsel National Association of Consumer Advocates (NACA)I was born and raised in New England, where I worked for many years as a real estate paralegal handling mortgage closings and all the complexities that come with buying, selling and refinancing homes. I once carried the belief that if I paid my mortgage on time, just as I did my other bills, my credit rating would paint a true and accurate picture of who I was –a hardworking ordinary person who always paid her bills on time.I would soon learn that that belief was just a myth. I also believed that if there were errors on my credit report, all I had to do was provide proof that a debt was paid, or not owed, whichever the case may be, and it would be cleared up.That belief was soon shattered too and that's when I decided to write my story. After an epic 15 year David vs Goliath battle consumed my life -I thought it was time to speak out and use my life experiences to help others.

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My Interests

Love the Beach, Carribean, island lifestyle. Love doing acts of kindness and watching how the effects grow. Love Vegas, love sunsets, good music and football!Tune into my Radio Show:

I'd like to meet:

I'm a member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates, and Author who turned my life experiences into my first book humanizing and exposing the damaging effects of identity theft, inaccurate credit reporting, mortgage servicing fraud and abusive debt collectors. I strive to educate the public on the need to be proactive when it comes to protecting their credit -their rights, their identities, and their personal and financial data.I'm a Certified Identity Theft Risk Managment Specialist, Author and board member of American Consumer Credit Education Support Services, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating consumers, and responsible businesses, on issues such as privacy rights, credit reporting, and financial fraud.I live in South Florida and write a monthly column on Identity theft for Lighthouse Point Magazine. I am a contributing writer for other print media publication and a co-host on an internet radio show on the BlogTalk Radio Network called SpotLight! ListenToSpotLight.comI love the beaches -hate the hurricanes, love the people -hate the traffic, love that there is always something going on -hate the crime that comes with big cities, love the sunshine, hate the daily summer thunderstorms! Love Football season!


Give Me Back My Credit! ISBN:


Firefighters, Paramedics, Police, and our First responders who risk their lives for ours. Our Veterans, Military and each of their family members -all who sacrifice so very much -for all of us.

My Blog

My Main Blog:

Visit my blog at Give Me Back My
Posted by Denise Richardson on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 05:58:00 PST

Our New Radio Show:

Posted by Denise Richardson on Mon, 05 May 2008 12:45:00 PST

Got a question about credit? ...shh, unspoken words speak volumes! by Denise Richardson

Got a question about credit? ...shh, unspoken words speak volumes! by Denise Richardson from American Chronicle - Beverly Hills,CA,USA Denise Richardson is a freelanc...
Posted by Denise Richardson on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 07:36:00 PST

We support these sites -

  We support these sites -
Posted by Denise Richardson on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 10:56:00 PST

Praise for Give Me Back My Credit!

Praise for Give Me Back My Credit! "Denise Richardson's story has important lessons for all Americans. It's the story of a consumer who faced hardships created by credit bureau errors, mortgage servic...
Posted by Denise Richardson on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 06:22:00 PST