My girlfriend, music, French and American litterature, sex, girls, getting drunk and then look at the skies above, singing my soul out on stage, wandering in Paris, to have a drink to the Piano Vache, hanging out with friends , playing bass guitar, studying, Symbolism, Expressionism, meeting new people, cats, playing chess, staring at Beirut's horizon and hoping that tomorrow will not be covered with screams and burning ashes ..
Peter Murphy and my beloved regretted brain .
Frustration : As They Say/Middle Age Crisis @ Cannes 04-04-08The Cure-"Cold" Live at the studio Davout Paris 1982Deine Lakaien-"Into My Arms" Deine Lakaien Live @ Castle Party 2004 (Follow Me + Wasted Years)The Cemetary Girlz "GothRock" Live 10/02/08Fed up of making stupid lists to impress people I don't even know ^^ Deathrock/Batcave, old crappy songs from the 80's, New-Wave (oh, same thing !), Dark-Wave and a lot of different things actually
Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway, Clockwork Orange, Alien, Vampire Hunter D (both of them), Schindler's List, Beavis and Butthead do America, Casablanca, Roman Polanski vampire movie I forgot the name..., 24 Hours Party People, Akira, Kurosawa's Dreams, Fight Club, Pulp Fiction
I don't watch TV .
Le Rouge et le Noir, La vida es sueno, Dritte Walpurgisnacht, La Peste, l'Education Sentimentale, Lolita, Le Moine, Confessions d'un enfant du siècle, Mémoires d'Outre-Tombe, American Psycho, La Voie Royale, Coin Locker Babies, Le Portrait de Dorian Gray, Les Fleurs du Mal, Illuminations, Alcools, Poèmes Saturniens, Bel-Ami
Alexander Veljanov, Ernst Horn, Carl McCoy, Rozz Williams, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Steve Buscemi, Nicolas Cage, Albert Camus, Arthur Rimbaud, Charles Baudelaire, Oscar Wilde, Matthew Barney, Leonard Cohen, Henri de Monfreid, Xavier Bichat