Internet, science, politics, reading, PC Video Games and I make youtube videos tomken8d
Nikola Tesla
Intelligent, thought provoking films with worthwhile messages that appeal to the mind and soul on many different levels. What planet can I find THOSE on??
Hemingway, Vonnegut, Twain, Shakespeare (u gotta problem wit dat?), Huxley, Orwell. Stephen King novels are highly underrated. "The Running Man" is a dark tragedy/triumph. Then Hollywood and Arnold turned it into shit. If you want a classic story, READ THE DAMN BOOK!Oh, yeah, I like ALL the classic novels, etc.
Lots of em, including:Old Hickory himself; Pres. Andrew Jackson, Martin Luther King, Jr., Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, my cat Mickey and the Evil Lord Xenu of the Galactic Federation.