Basketball,Football,ActionMovies,Comedy,and Porno Flicks.I also enojoy very romantic and passionate evenings with mature and sexy women who enjoy laughing and talking just general conversation over anything.
Hott,sexy,passionate,erotic and kinky single females divorced and seperated females are accepeted for a very freaky time just drop a few lines to let a brother know that you want to get down with this "Very Passionate"love making flow so if you want it $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ Click here to make Falling Objects $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ $Pimpalicious$ just "Holla,Holla".
R&B,HipHop,Jazz,SlowMusic such as:Luther Vandross,TeddyPendergrass,T-Pain,Lloyd,FreddyJackson,Ginuwin e,Gerald Levert
Die Hard,Friday,The Matrix,HarryPotter,really just all comedyand action movies
The JusticeLeague and my father