Food, Music, Movies, Having a good time, Hawaii, Women, and other things that you can't mention in polite company....
those that live in the rarified atmosphere where the air is crisp!!!!
the music i listen to: moves my soul; funks me up; rocks me till my ears bleed; allows me to do the running man or the scooby-doo; is NOT reggaeton; makes me wanna drink; makes me wanna smoke, should be taken with sensation enhancing pharmacuticals; reminds me of good times; reminds me of bad times; reminds me that it needs more cow-bell; tells me that flannel shirts, ripped jeans and a goatee is a way of life; shows me baggy jeans and timberlands is street gear; asks if i want to wear my doc martens or zodiacs with the metal tips; allows me to mis-match my gear; lets me know to be aware of the current state of society then watch the "chappelle show"; gives me a little class, gives me the ghetto; has way more cow-bell than you can possibly imagine; makes me romantic; makes me horny; is good to fukk to; is bad to fukk to; has to have references to sex; is from the last five decades; makes me want to find an "around the way girl"; tells me that "jeremy spoke in class today"; let's me know "nothing else matters"; greets me by saying "welcome to the jungle"; "YEAH!!!!"; says "i'm too sexy for my shirt"; is "feelin on your booty"; tells me the "ghetto red hot"; is off-melody; is all about drum beats; is all about bass lines; is all about guitar riffs; is all about sampling; is "all about the benjamins"; is new; is old; is alternative; is generic; is underground; is mainstream; is sometimes "you like that shit?"; is slow jam heaven; is monster jam nirvana; is jamrock; is good to walk the dog with(no...i'm not talking about masturbation...i'm trying to be nice); is good to masturbate to(i said i was trying....); mellows me out; allows me to just vibe; wants me to stage dive into a mosh pit; has cow-bells for naked wombats; reminds me of hawaii; forces me to go surfing; keeps time of my cooking; is good for road trips; makes me laugh; makes me fart; puts me to sleep; wakes me up; reminds me of my first kiss, my first love, my first break-up, my first time masturbating; reminds me of my last kiss, my last love, my last break-up, the last time i masturbated; is all about the good, the bad , the ugly and "the beast game"; gets people charged; gets people to decompress; makes me do an introspection then allows me to be extroverted; changes with my mood; tells me it is air guitar time; tells me it's time for a change; tells it's time to make the donuts; is rock; is scissor; is paper(i win); is the soundtrack of my life. This is what music is to me.
too many to name...too many to count...too many that i've seen...too many i haven't seen...what this means is that i have some free time...but not enough...
CSI, Iron Chef...too many to name...
Kitchen Confidential, Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, The Count of Monte Cristo, A Brave New World, The Ultimate Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Eragon, Eldest, Cook Books, Mike Hammer series, Choke, Fight Club. I have read more but i can't remember them all...
the need to say more?