Maphorion profile picture



About Me

Maphorion began to exist during the first 6 months in 2007 as fun-alchohol-based band featuring Dark Messiah on vocals and Skantz on Bass named necrofucker.Later Kwstas now known as Northavar who also Plays in Reveloe WWW.MYSPACE.COM/REVELOE joined in on quitars given tha band a new prospect.The offspring of those three an old-school black, a gring-death, and a melodic/atmosfairic metalheads is the demo BAPHOMET that was realised

My Interests


Member Since: 7/17/2007
Band Members: Dark Messiah. Vocals, lyrics. Skantz. Bass, music. Choronzon. Guitars. Carthian. Drums.

Influences: Burzum, Necromantia, Rotting Christ, mainly greek and old school stuff...
Sounds Like: SHIT!!!!!
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None