The very few things I take seriously, I obsess about. Everything else, I don't take seriously at all. Which usually leads to my sense of humor getting me into trouble.
I set very high goals for myself, and have a deep fear of failure. Which explains my passions and my apathy. I'm a very loyal and protective friend, son, and brother. A trait that runs in my family.
Most of my schooling has been in the social sciences and I graduated as such in 99' from the UW. But, now I want to learn computer science with an emphasis in programming languages. I'm currently taking a mix of classes at the UW.
In my free time I travel with friends, snowboard and train for a triathlon.
I'm usually characterized by spontaneity and have been known to take off at a moment's notice for some exotic trip. But, my lifestyle is currently very restritive, particularly with what I eat, drink, and do. With four hours a day spent studying, another three to four hours for training, and eight to ten hours for work, I don't have a whole lot of free time. So, the few times I do get out with friends, I tend to go a little nuts. It's the only release I have! I just hope everyone knows it's all in good fun... and that I'm generally, completely harmless...
I'm lucky enough to have met a lot of good people who continue to inspire me in their own unique way and allow me to learn something new each and every time I'm with them. I can only hope to do the same, someway, somehow.
Lastly, I don't like showing up empty handed. I want to bring something to the table for any occasion. I firmly believe, fun is something you bring with you. So, I'll do whatever I can to try and make a good time great.
Triathlon Finish
Marathon Finish
The Time Of Our Lives!