Magical MichaelD! profile picture

Magical MichaelD!

When your work speaks for itself, don’t interrupt.

About Me

A gentleman does not talk about himself, or his unwieldy penis. I have a penis. It tells me to do things, and I listen.

Many moons ago, this man humped my mother doggie-style and impregnated her with resounding authority. Nine months later, I was born his son:

And no, I don't spin Bunk House.

I'm one of those people that is more "known of" than "known." This is by design. Not many people get me, but those who do say that I'm a paradox . I'd agree with them if only I got me, too.

If I were to describe myself in one word, it would be clever. In two words: clever sparkplug. I seem to have the knack of getting people fired up around ideas, for better and worse.

Some notables:
    I take life seriously. Usually. I'm too smart for my own good, with a bit of arrogance to keep things interesting. I can usually be found saying "interesting" to myself many times throughout the day. I tend to takes things deeper than they should be, for it's there where the answers lie. I am a prototypical overanalyzer. I don't believe in coincidences. There is meaning behind everything (please see overanalyze). I believe in Soulmates (plural). That is, a limited collection of extremely compatible people cut from the same likeness of spiritual cloth. A soulmate is someone who touches you in a fundamental way and helps define who you are as a person. I have a photographic memory. It also tends to be selective, but is most effecient when the situation involves a female. I usually gravitate towards the rear-left side of the room. I watch everything. In groups I'm always the last one in the pack. I keep everything in front of me. At times (as in all), I'm a lot like nailing Jello to a wall. It's fun being shifty. I am best at analyzing conversation. I notice every little nuance, studder, and voice inflection. I read between the lines.

I'm obsessed with philosophy/religion/astrology/personality analysis. Actually, I've been obsessed with everything at one time or another. I find myself behaving much like a sponge. I will soak the living essence out of something and then wring myself with it when I've learned all there is to know. The Buddhists claim there are 4 paths to knowing. I get mine by direct experience.
Did I mention astrology? It's a current obsession of mine. It is by far the easiest way to sound smart about nothing. Some astrological facts about me (from memory):
Rising: Capricorn Sun: Gemini Moon: Libra Mercury: Taurus Venus: Gemini Mars: Leo (Meaning I'd rather watch myself masturbate than have sex. Nice one!) Jupiter: Taurus Saturn: Leo Uranus: Scorpio Neptune: Sagitarrius Pluto: Libra True Node: Scorpio


My current worldview gravitates around the following tenants:Treat the janitor like the CEO. Everything that happens to you is a result of your physical actions placed out into the world (Karma). I borrow heavily from Buddhism on this one. Everything about you -- the way you look, your childhood, your education, your health, your financial capacity, your knowledge and outlook on life -- is a direct result of the culmination of your actions towards others (and yourself) in previous lives and this one.This also accounts heavily for how "spiritual" you are in this life. You'll notice that some people are very spiritually keen and sensitive, whereas most people are just Life Drones, moving from day to day without a sense of True Purpose or Direction. This is, I feel, a direct measurement of where they are in their spiritual path. Some people are raised in very spiritually sound homes, whereas most others are not. I believe that your childhood upbringing serves as a "bookmark" in where you are in your current spiritual state.As such, I'm a very big believer in reincarnation. I think the life we're living right now is one in an infinite amount, a number that spans the life and years of this Universe, for however long it might last. Once it breaks down, it recreates a new one to start again. This process is infinite.I believe the "free market" economy is an illusion. Everyone makes as much money as they can based on their generosity to others, either in this life or lives prior to this.I believe life is a lesson in generosity. The richest people are the ones who give freely and expect nothing in return. This is True Love. I believe in positive and negative energies. Actually, I'm still working on this one. ;) I believe our bodies are actually complex cells. In much the same way a cell of your heart doesn't know what a heart is, I don't think it's entirely possible to know what we are part of.


Yes, another obsession of mine. I think the following sums it up just nicely:

Now that's out of the way, some relationship notes:
    Well, sex my darling is when a man and a woman get together and decided that since they have been married for quite some time, they should pick up the telephone and call 1-800-Get-BABY, which directs them to this bird called "The Stork." 9 Months later, plus shipping and handling, on their doorstep is a bundle of human flesh which grown ups like to call "baggage." -- JennMost of my friends are in relationships. I study them extensively and thoroughly to get a better idea of what I like/dislike about relationships. I believe love is a societal illusion, formed by civilized man to mask the harsh underpinning realities of sex and reproduction. I believe in strong temporary emotional ties to another person. These feelings are temporal, and are meant to help shape the person you are, for better or worse. The operative word here being temporal. As with everything in life, relationships are meant to be impermanent. I believe marriage is an obsolete institution. It has failed in its intended purpose, especially in America and the West. The only possible redeeming quality of marriage is a shelter for raising offspring. And speaking of which... I believe children represent the most selfish decisions one could possibly make. They are purely Ego Extension.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Her (for the obvious reasons):




Quantuum and the Lotus, The Monk and the Philosopher, Philosophy for Dummies


Barry Sanders, Seinfeld & my parents.

My Blog


I have WAYYYYYYY more people on here                  Than should be. I love this place.       &...
Posted by Magical MichaelD! on Sat, 17 May 2008 08:53:00 PST


My whole life feels like it's filled with sludge lately.  I can't gain any momentuum.  Technology is fighting me tooth and nail.  I can't seem to communicate fast enough.  Both wor...
Posted by Magical MichaelD! on Tue, 13 May 2008 08:50:00 PST


I believe we're advanced cells.  We're part of an organism that is much bigger than us, and more complex than we'll ever know. I've been thinking about this theory for a while.  If you can t...
Posted by Magical MichaelD! on Sun, 11 May 2008 09:30:00 PST

Last Night

I remember walking down a hill with Wadel.  He was wearing his blue hoodie and had his hands in the pocket.  I was dancing around him: I liken it to the big bulldog Spike and the yappy Chiua...
Posted by Magical MichaelD! on Thu, 08 May 2008 04:54:00 PST


I get these glimpses Of pure joy.                  In my life.            &nb...
Posted by Magical MichaelD! on Mon, 05 May 2008 09:18:00 PST


She just has this knack.                  Knack knack knack. It's timing.         &nbs...
Posted by Magical MichaelD! on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 05:58:00 PST


I have to admit, when I "freaked out" about seeing "my" idea out there in plain view, it was quite unnerving.  But it didn't last long.  Not even 24 hours.  After things panned out, it ...
Posted by Magical MichaelD! on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 03:28:00 PST


I just got back from Michigan, spending it with the family in what is now a yearly tradition of watching the NFL Draft LIVE FROM THE STATE OF THE DETROIT LIONS! For the first time ever, I heard my fat...
Posted by Magical MichaelD! on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 03:06:00 PST


With her,                  I said a lot of things. That I really didn't mean.         ...
Posted by Magical MichaelD! on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 08:12:00 PST

Broken Heart

Today one of my worst fears were realized.  Another company has realized my idea for Promotely and has it up and running online. It's pretty crazy.  I can't believe how together it is. ...
Posted by Magical MichaelD! on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 06:01:00 PST