The valley : EnglishVery intelligent, broadminded and a good listener. You are an ideas person, with a wonderful creative imagination who is always seeking practical applications to apply this to. Your intelligence means that you have great potential for business success if you can apply some discipline and caution. You enjoy sensual pleasures and with a natural restless nature and liking for adventure life is rarely dull with you around.(Thanks to T-money for finding this)
adopt your own virtual pet!Please feed bubblez, he gets lonely.
Any cool cat there ever was and ever will be.
Jazz, Rock, Folk, Funk, Soul, Classical, Punk, Swing, Elivs, R&B, old school rap, eletronitica, disco, Hendrix, tip-hop, techo. thats all i can think of right now.
Fight Club, Bill and Ted, Animal House, Godfather I &II, Tommy Boy, All Blade movies, Evil Dead 1&2, Army of Darkness, Young Frankenstien, The Sting, Its A Wonderful Life, Hitchcock, Nosveratu, Any cool vampire movie.
King of Queens, The Office, Mythbusters, Futurama, Family Guy.
The Bible, Emerson, Roald Dahl, O. Henry, Fitzgerald, Dante Alighieri, Hawthorne, Ayn Rand, Bill Shakes, Bradbury, Orwell, Wells, Poe, Mark Twain, Sinclair, Thoreau, Stocker, Dumas, Nietzche, Agatha Christie, Doyle, Wilde.
Paul Desmond, Terrance Grady, Anybody that thinks for themselves, Jesus.