Pete plays World of Warcraft, and I am a FRIENDS fanatic.
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I think I already know most of the interesting people. However I would love to Meet Kathy Griffin, how could that not be fun????
Mostly Country but we listen to almost anything, we have XM Radio so there is always usually something worth listening to
Umm we both have our favorite's I love comedies, and pete is more of a war/action guy, but we also enjoy, Harry Potter ( yeah were losers), and Super hero shows like Spiderman , The hulk, etc. Adam Sandler ~ Lunch-lady Land | Funny Jokes at JibJab
Well the new Seasons of American Idol have begun, and so has Survivor, so Iam making Pete watch them with me, they are interestgn and I try to be home when they are on. Also we watch alot of ...Drew Carey Show, The power of Ten, Kathy Griffin Life on the D list, Two and a half men, Rules of Engagement, The big Bang Theory is good, and we watch How I met your mother. CMT has good specials now and again liek Gone COuntry and Ty Murrays Celebrity Bull Riding. YEah we watch a lot of TV
Well recently Pete browsed through a lot of JLC ( Journal of Light Construction) ANd I have beeen catching up with The Very hungry Caterpillar, Go Diego GO- Diego Safari rescue, and many more books that are ordered from the scholatic Book Order at Taidin's school:P
I would have to say anyone who goes through soemthing REALLY tough, and still keeps it together 90% of the time