Mr and Mrs Spencer profile picture

Mr and Mrs Spencer

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Well, we are married and have been dating almost 7 years! yeah I know tough to believe! We have 3 beautiful children, all boys Taidin is almost 3, Logan is almost 2 and our youngest son Evan passed away the same day he was born ( March 11, 2008). He is with us everyday though and we miss and love him very much.I just became a Pure Romance consultant, if you would like to host a party let me know you can just message me on here, or if you know me call me!

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MyHeritage : Look-alike Meter - Roots - Family search

MyHeritage : Look-alike Meter - Roots - Free genealogy

MyHeritage : Look-alike Meter - Family origins - Ancestors

My Interests

Pete plays World of Warcraft, and I am a FRIENDS fanatic. ..
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I'd like to meet:

I think I already know most of the interesting people. However I would love to Meet Kathy Griffin, how could that not be fun????


Mostly Country but we listen to almost anything, we have XM Radio so there is always usually something worth listening to


Umm we both have our favorite's I love comedies, and pete is more of a war/action guy, but we also enjoy, Harry Potter ( yeah were losers), and Super hero shows like Spiderman , The hulk, etc. Adam Sandler ~ Lunch-lady Land | Funny Jokes at JibJab


Well the new Seasons of American Idol have begun, and so has Survivor, so Iam making Pete watch them with me, they are interestgn and I try to be home when they are on. Also we watch alot of ...Drew Carey Show, The power of Ten, Kathy Griffin Life on the D list, Two and a half men, Rules of Engagement, The big Bang Theory is good, and we watch How I met your mother. CMT has good specials now and again liek Gone COuntry and Ty Murrays Celebrity Bull Riding. YEah we watch a lot of TV


Well recently Pete browsed through a lot of JLC ( Journal of Light Construction) ANd I have beeen catching up with The Very hungry Caterpillar, Go Diego GO- Diego Safari rescue, and many more books that are ordered from the scholatic Book Order at Taidin's school:P


I would have to say anyone who goes through soemthing REALLY tough, and still keeps it together 90% of the time

My Blog


for mothers. yes I posted this before but its so good it is worth posting again. By Michelle Guppy I am the little engine that did. When on my journey in life, my tracks led me to a mountain - a d...
Posted by Mr and Mrs Spencer on Fri, 30 May 2008 02:26:00 PST

Life as of now

 Well tomorrow is Mother's Day, no big plans really, we are going to Pete's mom's in the early afternoon, to giver her a card and surprise her by telling her we got her a mothers ring! unfortunat...
Posted by Mr and Mrs Spencer on Sat, 10 May 2008 10:31:00 PST

Pure Romance

hey there everyoen I am now a Pure Romance consultant, if you want to book  a party, or woudl like information on our awesoem products, please feel free to contact me. If you know my number you c...
Posted by Mr and Mrs Spencer on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 02:19:00 PST

The cost of " safe sex"

 First off Pete and I have never used condoms before, I am allergic to Latex and where we live latex free condoms are hard to come by. I have always been the one to worry about the birth control ...
Posted by Mr and Mrs Spencer on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:27:00 PST

Te first day of school

Many parents have expeirenced this before, however i have not. As many of you know Taidin was diagnosed with severe autism, soemthing we are getting used to, but today was his first day of school! Tha...
Posted by Mr and Mrs Spencer on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 09:23:00 PST


  For those of you who do not know,Taidin was recently diagnosed with Autism, this really hits home for me. I am ..............for mothers.By Michelle Guppy I am the little engine that did. When ...
Posted by Mr and Mrs Spencer on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 02:54:00 PST


Btw my table is the shit...
Posted by Mr and Mrs Spencer on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 01:20:00 PST


JEEZE leweeze wtf is all this emo shit on here?!?!?!! O.o  well i just thought that i would leave some words of wisdom on here, to all you laydees with shitty men, kick them in the ass to get a r...
Posted by Mr and Mrs Spencer on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 01:16:00 PST

The Table has begun!!!!

Aaaah the infamous " table" that I am sure Pete has told many of you about is about to be underway, I got a phone call tonight, it was Pete, he said " i am picking upwood for the table"  I of cou...
Posted by Mr and Mrs Spencer on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 02:44:00 PST

I hate sluts

To all of the girls who think they need to have big boobs, and leave them hanging out, or even the little boobs, any girl who dresses liek a hoe bag, KEEP YOUR CLOTHES ON, you dress like that but get ...
Posted by Mr and Mrs Spencer on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 09:30:00 PST