musta profile picture


ALL PICTURES ARE COPYRIGHTED ©me ,,,,,it's some of my work ,,,,u wann a drink???????????

About Me

............This profile is NEW,(old myspace and all my friends got deleted last Sunday 15/07/2007...)????????????? miss some of my old friends,,,,,,,,,,




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My Interests

life,,,,,,,,,,,,i'm a photographer life give me what my camera need........all the pics are mine.....Jean Genet,,,,,,,,,,,,,,then: SEJIMA , REM KOOLHAAS , JULIO CORTA'ZAR , JACQUES MONOD , LOUIS-FERDINAD CèLINE , IAN MCEWAN , DON DELILLO , EDWARD W.SAID , STANLEY KUBRICK , R.W FASSBINDER , HENRY PURCELL , TOM WAITS , APHEX TWIN , ANOUAR BRAHEM , MOZART....................

I'd like to meet:



.........we need a heroes????????????????????

My Blog

bruce mau

1. Allow events to change you. You have to be willing to grow. Growth is different from something that happens to you. You produce it. You live it. The prerequisites for growth: the openness to experi...
Posted by musta on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 12:28:00 PST