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About Me

STORY OF InHead: The band came into existence in August 2006 as a initiative of three people: Mlody (guitar), Sokal (bass) and Bogdan (drums). First rehearsals took place in September. In the beginning InHead didn’t have the vocalist so this part was to fulfil by Mlody, however the idea didn't work. Our live performance material came into being quickly but, unfortunately, first concerts were retarded by the fact, that we had not had a true vocalist. Indeed all the time we've been looking for the right person, however no one could live up to our expectations. Ultimately, the band found the right man for the job as Nasgarian joined InHead in April 2007. Rehearsals showed that our conceptions of music were similar and parties soldered us as the band. Nasgarian's vocals gave our music brutality and the short period of time which took to write the lyricks suprised us all. The conception of our music was to play fast and heavy with a large dose of energy and brutality. After a few live acts, in October 2007 the band joined another guitarist – Andrzej (Andrew). Like with Nasgarian we have managed to find the same taste of music in a short period of time and the band got a new-heavier sound.What will bring nearest time? We have hopes - a lot of live performances. We still write our history. We will blow your head off - InHead ____________________________________________________________ _____________HISTORIA InHead: Zespol powstal w sierpniu 2006 r. z inicjatywy trzech ludzi byli to: Mlody (gitara), Sokal (bas), Bogdan (bebny). Pierwsze próby rozpoczely sie we wrzesniu. Poczatkowo InHead nie miaa wokalisty, wiec role ta mial pelnic Mlody, jednak pomysl ten nie wypalil. Nasz material koncertowy powstal szybko, a pierwsze koncerty opólnial fakt, iz nie mielismy odpowiedniego voc. z prawdziwego zdarzenia. Wprawdzie przez caly czas szukalismy odpowiedniej osoby, jednak ciagle „to nie bylo to”. Na poczatku kwietnia 2007 r. do skladu dolaczyl Nasgarian, z którym szybko doszlismy do porozumienia, a wspólne imprezy scementowaly nas jako zespól. Wokale Nasgariana dodaly brutalnosci naszej muzyce, a tempo, w jakim powstaly zaskoczyly nas wszystkich. Zalozenie muzyczne bylo takie, aby grac szybko, ciezko z duza dawka energi i brutalnosci. Po kilku udanych koncertach, w pazdzierniku 2007 r. do zespolu dolaczyl kolejny gitarzysta – Andrzej. Podobnie jak w przypadku Nasgariana bardzo szybko znalezlismy wspólny jezyk, a i zespól zyskal nowe - mocniejsze brzmienie. Co przyniesie najblizszy czas? Mamy nadzieje, ze jak najwiecej koncertów. Ciagle piszemy nasza historie. Jeszcze namieszamy Wam glowach – InHead.

My Interests


Member Since: 7/16/2007
Band Members:

Influences: Death, Lamb Of God, Quo Vadis (from Canada), The Black Dahlia Murder, Chimaira, Slayer, Sepultura, Vader, Behemoth, Machine Head, Pantera, Unearth, Nile, Aghora, Dream Theater, Cynic, Sceptic, Hatebread, Cataract, Sworn Enemy, Dark Funeral, Mayhem, Sadus, At The Gates
Sounds Like: InHead
Type of Label: None