traveling, meeting new people who will "rock my world" heheheheheheh
-I want to see my Dad again and be able to hug him and tell him i love him sooooo much (RIP da..)-Bruddah Iz -hopeless-romantic, well mannered, educated, RICH guy hehehehehe j/k i dont know anybody who is cool... oh but i dont like cheaters and guys that makes their friends the priority, i dont like guys whot takes me for granted, desires other women besides me and lets his friends push him aroud regardless of whether or not it will hurt the relationship ref=" ID=1023&none=none"
coldplay,korn,metallica,moby,nineinchnail, i dont know most of the artists i have a bad memory
transporter, bundoc saints, x-men (i'm crazy when it comes to my x-men cartoons, movies, game cards etc), eternal sunshine, superman, spiderman, kingkong
the oc, smallvile, and dr 90210
honky, mr. maybe, psych stuff
MY DAD cuz he lived his life to the fullest and never regreted a single thing he did (RIP-DA)...THE SUPER FRIENDS,-Bruddah Iz -,my MOM cuz she showed me how to appriciate things in life