SELIKAL profile picture



About Me

Selikal is an independent composer, writer and musician, who has done everything you can hear from him, himself... Selikal has been a component in several bands in his country (Essent, Raskaipika...), and still works with some eventually. He compose in a freestyle of musics and fusions, different styles or experimental itself. He has 5 ALBUMS UPLOADED in his OFFICIAL some tracks of the 6th new album in www.myspace/selikalcooficial (this site) Hope you like them...Selikal can be contracted or contacted in [email protected] or [email protected] for any kind of audiovisual work (live concerts, documentry, videogames music, OST's...). Efficient and creative! Concrete demos sending if needed.

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Selikal es un compositor, escritor, y músico independiente que utiliza un estilo libre y creativo, lleno de fusiones y de diferentes estilos, además de experimentaciones musicales, y todo lo que puedes escuchar de él, 5 ALBUMES SUBIDOS EN SU WEB OFICIAL: - - y algunos temas de su último trabajo en este espacio myspace, está enteramente hecho por él solo. Ha sido, no obstante, componente de algunos grupos de su país (Essent, Raskaipika, Frecuenzia Fantasma, otros...), y aún sigue trabajando con algunos esporádicamente. Le puedes contratar/contactar via email a [email protected] o a [email protected] para cualquier trabajo audiovisual (música de videojuegos, conciertos en directo, bandas sonoras, documentales...) Se envían muestras concretas si es menester.

Curiousity!! --- Download Selikal's Castlevania 2 Simon's Quest: Bloody Tears Theme (Home DnB Loop) here: Selikal-A Bloody Tears Loop

My Interests


Member Since: 7/14/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: SELIKAL - & L's HOMEMADE VIDEOCLIP for "Older Than Stones" track from RHRT album... all made with an eyetoy and two stones.
Influences:Classical Music, Björk, Aphex Twin, The Damned, New Model Army, Dead Kennedys, Autechre, Venetian Snares, Tangerine Dream, Groucho Marx, Fields of the Nephilim, Last Rites, Paul Oakenfold, The Chemical Brothers, James Brown, Michael Jackson, Fatboy Slim, Grandmaster flash, Snoop Doggy Dogg, Raskaipika, Essent, Frecuenzia Fantasma, Bee Gees, Cypress Hill, Aphrodite, Nile, Nine Inch Nails, The Doors, Jagga Jazzist, Deicide, Rage against the Machine, Rob Zombie, Folk (ancient traditional music from everywhere), Deftones, Ennio Morricone OST's, the Kenichi Matsubara, Masahiro Ikariko, Kazuhiko Uehara & T-San team... and many many more not less important to me: In variety the taste is found! Styles I compose, listen to or like, Funk, Rock, Classical, Jazz, Metal, Elektronika, Drum n' Bass, Hip Hop, Experimental, Ambient, Disco, Punk, Soul, Free fussions.
Sounds Like:
CrossifiXion: by Selikal AP is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 2.5 License .
Based on a work at .
Death and Destruction by Dancing Reaction: by Selikal AP is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 2.5 License .
Based on a work at .
Genealogy of A Truth: by Selikal AP is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 2.5 License .
Based on a work at .
Tired: by Selikal AP is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 2.5 License .
Based on a work at .
Red Wine Glass: by Selikal AP is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 2.5 License .
Based on a work at .
Older Than Stones: by Selikal AP is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 2.5 License .
Based on a work at .
Huno Riding: by Selikal AP is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 2.5 License .
Based on a work at .
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Selikals NEW ALBUM - Rythm Here Rythm There (2007)

NEW Xperimental/fusion Album!!!:SELIKAL- RYTHM HERE RYTHM THERE1. Come To Selikal's Mind...2. Genealogy of a Truth3. Vocal Sense4. Older than Stones5. CrossifiXion6. Death And Destruction By Dancing R...
Posted by SELIKAL on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 05:47:00 PST

Selikal's album: BI-Slavery (2007)

Selikal - BI-Slavery  (2007 ¡NEW!) Primer Movimiento:1. Si Vis Pacem...(Muerte del Motete)2. ASSURBANIPAL IISegundo Movimiento:3. Huno Riding4. DVRGVL II (Kill Kill Dirty!)5. The Changes6. Fu...
Posted by SELIKAL on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 07:34:00 PST

Selikal's album: Selikal's Essent

Selikal's Essent -This Was The Objective1. Pre2. Our Ice3. Undisputable4. Zian5. White Dress6. The Pragmatist (scene 1)7. A Truth A Death8. Row9. The Dreamer10. Reflexion11. Thereby Hangs a Tale (Rask...
Posted by SELIKAL on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 08:03:00 PST

Selikal's Album: Meticulously Hidden (2005)

Selikal - Meticulously Hidden1. La Ruta de Aníbal2. El Extranjero3. Nieblas de Caledonia4. Calling Us All5. Natura6. Sobre el HumorA NATURE Album, with elektronika, experimental, folk, and Dark Rock. ...
Posted by SELIKAL on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 07:55:00 PST

Selikal's Album: CAI.IVL.CAES EC (2004)

Selikal - CAI IVL CAES EC1. Nova Invicta2. O Fortuna3. CAI.IVL.CAES4. In Taverna5. Durgul6. Legio XII Drago7. Fecisti Patriam Diversis Gentibus UnamA thematic album, based on ancient Rome inner feelin...
Posted by SELIKAL on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 07:51:00 PST

Selikal's album: Much To Learn (2003)

Selikal - Much To Learn1. Spherical Extreme Speed2. Natives and the voice of Doom3. Ascenso al Mulhacén4. A la hora del Chapapote5. I give6. KROHM7. You want but Rain8. El elefante que odiaba por gené...
Posted by SELIKAL on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 07:44:00 PST