My son 25 years from now.Titanette Revue 2007 "Destination Disney" Hocus Pocus!!!!!
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SuCkEr PuNch (RiP), lArGe MaRgE, gAmEtImE, sImPlE pLaN, GC, yElLoWcArD. tHe sTaRtInG lInE, tHe DoOrS, fEd Up, FeNiX tX, jImMy eAt wOrLd, ThUrSdAy, tHe BeAtLeS, fInCh, DaShBoArD cOnFeSsIoNaL,gYm ClAsS hErOs, My ChEmIcAl RoMaNcE, RoSiN mUrPhY, aNd MuCh MuCh MoRe!!!
Snow White and the Seven Dawrfs, DrOp DeAd FrEd, But I'm a cheerleader!! ( Your right I am a Homosexual but i'll be regular soon) , Beautiful Thing, Party Monster, Broken Hearts Club (You must be ENNIS. Its Dennis someone ate the D.)...
AnyThInG bY Anne Rice. ShEs SuPeR rAd!!