The 50's, Great music, Pin Up Girls, Pin Up Models, Rockabilly Girls, Punk Girls, Gothic Girls, Pirates, Horror Movies, Going to Concerts, Cooking, Psychology, Edward Gorey Books, Going to 80's clubs, Edger Allen poe, Independent movies, Vintage cars, Muscle Cars, Art exhibits
Some good bands, some cool kats and kittens, but i met rachel and she is the best ever
Any thing by Tim Burton, Kevin Smith, Mel Brooks, Or George Romero, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Little Shop Of horrors, Wild Zero, Lost In Translation, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Faster Pussycat Kill!....Kill!, Lost Boys, Road Racers, La Bamba, Streets of Fire, True Romance, Boondock Saints, Pulp Fiction, The Big Lebowski, Casa Blanca, Casino, Big Trouble in Little China, The 3 Amigos, Blow, Cry baby, Man bites dog, Donnie Darko, Rebel without a Cause, Singing in the rain, ClockWork Orange, Suburbia (original 80's version), Eddie izzard Dressed to kill, 21 Grams, Interview with the Vampire, Evil Dead trilogy, Half Baked, Porn, Orgasmo, Ghostbusters I,II, Ghost in the Shell, Hard Days Night, Clandastine, Six String Samuari, Pirates of the Caribbean, Kill Bill Vol I & II , Classic horror movies, Independent movies, Lord of the rings, Help, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Smut, HellBoy, Dodgeball, old school, Every Marx Brothers movie, Garden state, Every fucking thing that troma movies does!!!
Death of a salesmen, The Phantom of the Opera, Spamalot, 42nd Street, Sweeny Todd, All My Sons, Scarlet letter, Chicago, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, The Producers, Little Shop of Horrors,
Robot Chicken, Freakazoid, Family Guy, Vampira, The Munsters, The Addams family, Monty Python’s Flying circus, The Simpson’s, Vegas, Law and Order:SVU, CSI Miami, Tiny Toons, Neon Genesis Evangalon, Garfield, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Greys Anatomy, Boston Legal, Scrubs,
Fahrenheit 451, If chins could kill Confession of a B-Movie Actor, Blood and Gold, The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy, The Vampire Lestat, Tales of a Mangy Lover-Groucho Marx, Make love the Bruce Campbell way, Rain Of Gold, The Autobiography Of Johnny Cash, A Density Of Souls, The Da Vinci Code, Mouse Tales, etc