Surfrider Foundation- San Francisco Chapter profile picture

Surfrider Foundation- San Francisco Chapter


About Me

Ocean Beach
BEACH CLEAN-UPS: Our chapter has been recognized as one of the most successful Beach Clean-Up Program of its kind. As a recipient of the Surfrider Foundation's distinguished " Clean Beach Award ," this program has set the standard for other Surfrider chapters around the country.

FIRE RINGS: Bonfires at Ocean Beach have been a long tradition of San Francisco, however due to poor usage of these fire rings have hurt the beach's ecosystem, and forced the National Park System to ban bonfires completely on Ocean Beach. SF Surfrider Chapter took action and organized community members to help maintain the fire pits, so this long-lived tradition wouldn't die.

Layout by CoolChaser Background from flickr user

My Interests


1. Get your mind out of the gutter
Clean your driveways and sidewalks (with a broom, not the hose). Put trash in the can instead of the gutter. Use your lawn clippings to fertilize your lawn/garden.

2. Pull your own weeds
The less herbicides and pesticides you spray, the less you will swim in on the weekend. It all eventually runs down to the beach. If we reduce the amount of slime that goes into our storm drains, our costal waters will be protected.

3. Plant, don't pave
Let the run-off water soak into the ground. Landscaping is prettier and creates oxygen.

4.Don't water the driveway
It won't grow. And all that water washes to the beach.

5. Scoop the poop
Unless you like to swim in animal poop, make sure you and your neighbours pick up the droppings.

6. Report full catch basins
The Dept. of Public Works should clean a full storm sewer.

7. Fix your car leaks
More oil enters the beach from urban run-off than from tanker spills. If your car drips, the oil will find its way to the ocean.

8. Don't be a drip
Low flow shower heads, drip irrigation, and low flow toilets conserve water. Repair leaks.

9. Don't be a prune
Don't let your showers dry out your skin like a prune. Shorten your showers. Wash only full loads.

10. No trash in the toilet
String and hair are hord on sewage treatment plants. Remember to throw them in the trash rather than in the toilet.

11. Water in the morning or evening
It minimizes evaporation, and it's better for the plants.

12. Use nontoxic cleaners
Drain cleaners, oven cleaners, nail polish remover, paint thinner, etc. are chemical poisons. Vinegar and baking soda can clean very well.

13. Oil's well that ends well
Recycle your used motor oil at a garage or recycling center. Don't dump it down the storm drains, or in the trash.

14. Drop off your hazardous household waste at an authorized dump site

15. Reduce your waste
Buy jumbo-size packages. Shop for products with the least amount of packaging.

16. Recycle once is not enough
Buy recycled goods. Call 1-800-RECYCLE

17. B.Y.O.B.
Bring your own canvas or used paper bags to the store.

18. The new coffee generation brings their own mugs.
Help stamp out styrofoam. Take your ceramic mug to the coffee cart.

19. People cause pollution, people can stop it.
Educate others. Then, they too can protect our beaches.

20. Get organized
Join up and get involved in a local action group. Join the Surfrider Foundation. We have wasted enough, let's not waste time.