Why be disappointed when you can be psyched?
Free fun in the light.
Dusty Springfield. Get aquainted please.
I saw Inland Empire at the cheap Chinatown cinema a few weeks ago -- rode bikes an hour through London rain to sit in the theatre and have the trip-out acid strangetown. After we were hungry and strange, seemed like everyone had just been on the David Lynch roller coaster. And we were in gross party central London rainy nighttime. Somehow we ended up in Burger King eating veggie burgers. Felt more appropriate than . . . anything. . .
This summer I have learned how to watch TV on my computer (take that TV liscense!) and watched (obsessively) Peep Show. Fucking amazing. Can't believe he ate the dog.
I read all the Harry Potter books. In order. As they came out. Bought 4-7 on hardcover even. I won't tell you how it ends. But he dies. Now I'm rereading Heartbreaking Work, etc. Makes me miss SF. Also makes me think I could totally write a novel. Way better than fucking pirate store's.
lovers and survivors