Myrandon is a HOT married couple that is way hotter than any of those other fused named couples that you hear about. But if one did compare, the closest would be Bradgelina. Myranda and Brandon are the best parents EVER and have the BEST children any parents could ever have. We are all pretty much perfect in every way and pride ourselves on humility. Our daughter, KAYA, is the smartest most talented prodigy child known to man, and it is all completely due to her amazing parents: Myrandon. There has never been a cuter smarter son than Brando, who has unprecedented lineage, and is destined for greatness. Brandon is a race horse trainer, THE BEST, of course, and Myranda is a full-time adventurer. We have been inseparable from the time we met, but we have very different taste in MUSIC and tidiness.
Myranda and Brandon Bridges had fun!
The Bournes came to visit and we played pool at a dive!
Myranda and Brandon Bridges went to the country!
We went horsebackriding with our friends in Louisiana!
Myranda and Brandon Bridges have babies!
This is a whole lotta babies! Mom to baby ratio, 1:2
Myranda and Brandon Bridges on horse!
Surprise, surprise.
This is our son folks!
The midgets in action!