Nothing everything something. You me the world salt water carbon ..? Throw me into a situation and I'll figure that out !!!Society and the breaking down to nothingness or somethingness. click this EAT SHIT AND DIE
People who are experianced human beings: whom have lived, loved, sacrificed, given, taken and loved every second of it. People who have so much baggage about previous relationships with women or men that it may disturb their rem sleep cycle. People who have a forgiving nature and those who love themselves enough to know when they're right or wrong, but are still willing to compromise. People whom know and experianced the pain and destruction drugs can rought, but can still do them without addiction sparingly. People who wake up with the sun and greet the day and themselves, still believing they are not hippies. People who love life and people, but still can distinquish the truth of optimism and pessimism: It does not matter whether the bottle is half empty or half full the wine will still have affect!
Anything with heart and real human emotion... not bullshit, I have this list I made three years ago. If you know me at all you'd realize I listen to everything and enjoy diversity I think this list describes a young individual in a stage of social development and I keep this list because this was part of a development. I like any music that is well or horribly recorded mystical based music like Monastic chant, I like political music, music that is not a normative standard of mediocrady. I want the best or the worse no in between with music. The stuff that is on you cable channels is probably not what I listen to. Well, unless it is on PBS ? anyway here is a list from long ago I added a few: Buzzkill, YOU"RE MAMA ,Social Unrest, Contravene, Citizen Fish, Sex Gang Children, Amebix, THeFigdettes, Blitz, Blatz and *Rudimentary Peni*, Flux Pink Indians, NailBomb, local music scene but more so originality almost unheard of on a few bands like Social Junk. Vice Squad for emotion purposes only.The Systematics, Brother Inferior, Twisted Sister, D.R.I. Sirty Rottingenenenenen Ibebilicle, MDC, Left Over Crack and Choking Victom, Billy Bragg, Brass Knuckle Boys, Hudson Falcons, Destroy, Tear it up, Blank 77, Crucifucks, Circle Jerks, I FEEL LIKE A FUCK GEEK WRITING A THIS SHIT ON HERE WAIT I AM ONE, Nomeansno, Conflict, Nausea, Lard, TSOL, Los Crudos, RESIST AND EXSIST, The Adverts, Varukers, Cockney Rejects, Anti- HEros "listen to their lyrics fuckers", Code of Honor, Civil Disobediance, Fuck I guess there is a lot more but I do not feel like finishing you all get the picture music does not define a person it refines them
Documentaries now or bullshit comedians. Luis Bunuel..... Like Los Ovidos, UnChien Andolou, Belle de Jor, Virvidiana, Floudering, Slacker,Brothers Quay, Movies with a strick authority figure being toppled. If I would make a sitcom it would be based in Revolutionary France or Britian. I need more material more more I need to see and feel as much of the reconstruction of past event through film as possible without wasting life.
Your mom on u tube!!! CSPAN up the boring punx. Televisions over listen to ADVERTS and squirm in the germ of their demographic sperm.
THE INTERNET i'm on here soooo much I got a pet
READ Karl MARX or die he was more intelligent than YOU
i READ i PROMISE. rEAD Factorum bythe woman beater Charles B. SOK. Textbooks statistics etc...
Fuck this question. Heros Die. Ziggy had the answer Saviour Machine and dream sceems s-creams and dead skin. Jesus died on a cross. A lot of people like that guy. Then now Holy Blood and shit and blah. HEROS ARE A DEATH MACHINE SO WHO CARES WHEN YOU DIE YOU ARE DEAD WE ARE QUICK BLIPS OF IMAGINATION THAT NO ONE WILL EVER READ OR NEEDSOCIETY IS DEAD SHED THE SKIN WELL FED STAGNATION PROCLAIMATION OF THE CITIES DRIPPING RED when you die when you die when you die your gonna die!