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Devon Vendetti

Sin City. My city. I love this shit!

About Me

The name is Devon Vendetti...remember it...I'll be a famous Vegas icon in the casino/nightlife industries. And no, I'm not trying to be cocky. It's a goal of mine and I'm going to do just that! I've been networking & making solid connections since I moved to Sin City 3 years ago. Need something? I can make it happen and I enjoy doing so!Currently at the fabulous Red Rock Casino Resort and I'm a small step away from a gig as a Casino Host. Originally that's what I moved out here to do but now that I've got a taste for it I won't stop until I'm a Director of Player Development or runnin' a casino of my own! It won't happen overnight so I'll be workin' my ass off until then. Then again, it's not really work when you love what you do...As far as personality goes I'm always tryin' to make people laugh! People love my sense of humor and my blunt honesty. When I get on a roll I can steal the scene which makes a new acquaintance think I'm "one of those guys"...just talk to me and you'll see that I'm not. Confident not cocky. And I'm sarcastic as hell...though not the kind of sarcasm that sends you home cryin' to your mom. Unless you piss me off, that is! Anything else you wanna know?! Just ask!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone entertaining is good in my book. If you can make me laugh as much as I make you laugh then you'll probably have a tough time gettin' rid of me. If you're a total flake then you'll never see me again! That said, if you live here in Vegas or visit frequently LET'S GRAB SOME DRINKS!!Oh, and if you're a nymphomaniac we'll just skip the drinks ;-)View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment

My Blog

A Public Service Announcement about "Those Guys"

And here I thought this was just a pic going around the net. Apparently these guys plague the east coast...I gotta get my ass to work! Enjoy! ...
Posted by Devon Vendetti on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 11:46:00 PST

I'M FAMOUS, bitches!!!

So, I'm partyin' with "Big Shot" Rob Horry and someone flashes a pic. I didn't even think about it cuz when you're partyin' with a guy like Robert Horry you get used to the random flashes and pic requ...
Posted by Devon Vendetti on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 05:43:00 PST

ASK A NINJA -- Hilarious!!!

Okay, so I had seen this "Ask a Ninja" a long time ago but my homegirl Jia managed to post a couple in her blog and it is way more hilarious now! I stole this one from her cuz it's the best I've seen ...
Posted by Devon Vendetti on Tue, 15 May 2007 12:39:00 PST

To all the dumbasses...

I was lucky enough to receive this fantastic fanmail included below:------------------------------------------------------ ---------From: AaronDate: Apr 30, 2007 10:53 AM  Give it up!!!  You...
Posted by Devon Vendetti on Thu, 03 May 2007 03:03:00 PST

Friday the 13th

SPOOKY!!!!That's all.
Posted by Devon Vendetti on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 03:19:00 PST

April Fools, BITCHES!!!

I love April Fools Day!! This year I had a helluva gag going and so many people were buying it! It goes as this...I supposedly got a call from my parents telling me that they got a call from the count...
Posted by Devon Vendetti on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 12:26:00 PST

2WO n9ne

My 29th b-day was the 26th of March. I didn't do much. Settled for watching a movie and layin' low for the evening. Still plannin' on hittin' up Lucky Strike on Friday night. Be warned though, cuz nex...
Posted by Devon Vendetti on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 01:24:00 PST

All-Star weekend...

So this was a hella busy weekend! NBA All-Star game, Chinese New Year, and the beginning of the Magic fashion show. Good times cuz of all the parties all over town! As tolerant as Vegas is of all thin...
Posted by Devon Vendetti on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 06:44:00 PST

My trip to the Bay (Pic Blog)

So I took me a short trip away from Vegas. My trip took me to San Francisco for less than 48 hours. Yeah, a very short trip! But I partied like a ROCK STAR for those 48 hours and met some hella good p...
Posted by Devon Vendetti on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 10:55:00 PST

Sin City New Years Party Lineup...

New Years is always the mostest importantest holiday of the year! Okay, maybe not the most important but it is definitely my favorite! Everyone is always in such good spirits...and DRUNK  I got a...
Posted by Devon Vendetti on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 10:44:00 PST