Daath - Daathumentary #1 part 1
DAATH, "Festival Mass Soulform"
Directed, Shot & Edited by Colin Michael Quinn
(Roadrunner Records 2007)
Created in the winter of 2005
"Kitty Porn"
Spring 2007 FILM4110 Fiction Film Short Project
Kitty Porn
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Paranormal Research Perspectives
Chapter One: Ghost Hunting
"Wet Dream... What's That?"
Spring 2007 FILM4110 Music Video Project
Wet Dream.... Whats That?
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Spring 2007 FILM4110 Experimental Film Short Project
Fear; Rage; Love
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Tommy Shaw & Jack Blades Promo
I mixed and edited this for Tommy Shaw (Styx, Damn Yankees)
can't really say that it's my cup of tea, but whatever, it was something different. The hard drive that Tommy sent me with the Audio and Video files on it died (it was a crappy Lacie d2 drive) so I had to do this whole project twice. Check it out, that's Cheech (from Cheech & Chong) giving the introduction.
Slug Animation - Fall 2004
(my personal favorite)
Get this video and more at
(2004)This is a little stop motion animation film I made using my Canon EOS SLR digital still camera (no video, all still shots). I made the music in my home studio using Reason, Onyx Arranger, Cubase SX, my MOTU 828mkII, and a bunch of outboard rack toys.
Used to be in a band called UpFall before it all collapsed. Graduated from South Forsyth High School 2003. Up until November of 2004 I was attending the Art Institute of Atlanta (digital media production/film) on a full scholorship that I recieved for winning first place in a national film making competition. After deciding that the school was a sham, I withdrew with a perfect G.P.A, and moved on to bigger and better things. In late Feburary of 2005 signed on with a band called the Crazy Anglos as their Tour Manager, and Front of House sound engineer. With my best friend Justin Dixon, drum tech and assistant tour manager, we toured the country for a month in a big fat tour bus. We were out on the road with bands "[hed] P.E]", Fullscale (from Australlia), and Index Case. It was a pretty crazy experience. If you ever get the cance to travel the country with a rock band...I would highly reccomend it. After the tour was over, The Crazy Anglos took a hard right turn and destroyed any shot that they will ever have at becoming a national act.
(ADVICE FOR YOU BANDS OUT THERE TRYING TO GET SIGNED ON BIG LABELS: 1) Don't pay yourself out of your record deal and think you can quit your job to do the band thing full time(unless you're on the road making real money off of guarentees and merch, the record label dosn't like it when you eat up all the money and ask for more when you're not pulling in any revenue in the first place... and you're album hasn't hit the shelves yet... EEEEHHHTT - Dropped like a rock.. Beeaach). 2) Don't expect people to treat you any differently once you get signed. 3) Don't let the Label Reps see you suck ass in front of a big Crowd. 4) Don't throw hissy fits in front of anybody (it will make you look like a little bitch... especially on stage) 5) Listen to your tour manager (or he's not gonna do shit for you! because if he's working for "peanuts", it's probably just because he has faith in the band, once that faith is lost... He's probably gonna turn up the suck knob.) 6) Don't spend label money on weed and drugs, shoes, shirts, rims, cars, video games, ipods, ect... Spend your own goddamn money on it. 7) Don't try too feed a dead dog.. I mean, If you get off of the road, get dropped, kick out your lead singer, get a new one that's even worse than the old one, start playing local shows every weekend... Once again, it's back to square one under compromised circumstances.
-- I just thought I'd throw all that in there to see if anyone was paying attention.
I continued working for Alliance Artists LTD. (an Atlanta based management company who manages & works with bands such as Lynyrd Skynyrd, Styx, Bad Company, Peter Frampton, Michael Bolton..ect..). Then in mid April, I worked my way in as an intern over at Tree Sound Studios in Atlanta. Now, I just happen to find myself directing/shooting/editing major label music videos. I can't say for who and for what at the time unfortunately. I'm also back in school now at Georgia State. School is a bitch.. of course....... I hate it... But I love it.... or not.. who cares... Thats enough about me. Lets talk about you (and your mustache).
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