Brian profile picture


All that is will always be

About Me

I'm a respectable person and I treat people with much respect. It doesn't take much to get information from me, unless of course I'm being stubborn about it. All one has to do is ask a question and I'll answer it. I have a good sense of humor and every so often will be quick with a come back. (my family has the market cornered though) I communicate best through writing and music and art. I'm great to get along with and I am very attentive if someone needs to vent or anything. I'm very easygoing and will go with any suggestion so long as I'm comfortable with it. I'll speak my mind if I feel like I really need to. People can tell how I feel just by looking at me. I can't really hide emotions very well. I don't really feel like I should anyway. I love my girlfriend from here to the stars! I'm very happily taken. (Sorry ladies). MySpace Layouts

My Interests

Meeting people is one interest. I think that's covered. Playing music and songwriting, listening to music, and recording music. My other interests include going out to movies, restaurants, and concerts. Walks in the park are really relaxing, as well as hiking. I love to hang out with friends and have a good time (who doesn't?). I like to get lost on a road that seems to lead to nowhere, and then try to find my way back. I like midnight drives and blasting my cd player in my car. Singing and dancing. I like the museum, too. Antiques interest me as well as history and reading, (although I don't do that too much anymore). Skiing is also fun.

I'd like to meet:

All the heros I have, but they all seem to be dead, or close to it anyway. Stevie Ray Vaughn, Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Ozzy Osbourne. Also would like to meet Jessica Alba, Bret Hart, Christina Applegate, Aerosmith, ah but the list just goes on and on.....


I love Evanescence! They are one of my fav bands. Others are Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Stabbing Westward, Aerosmith, NIN, Bush, Stevie Ray Vaughan, The Doors, 10 Years, Faith No more, Led Zepplin, Black Sabbath, Hole, The Scorpions, Lacuna Coil, Alice Cooper, Seether, Flyleaf, Evan's Blue, Three Days Grace, Godsmack, Linkin Park, John Lennon (he's my fav Beetle), Tool, among many others. To generalize things, I can listen to anything, except maybe too much bluegrass, jam bands, or too much world music. Not that I don't revere them in the music world, but they are just not my cup of tea. Hope the list helps.


Favorite movies include A Nightmare On Elm Street, The Crow, Braveheart, Office Space, Ace Ventura, Blue Collar Comedy Tour, Highlander: Endgame, The Terminator, Corpse Bride, The Scream movies, The X Files, Delores Claiborne, and basically anything including horror, action/adventure, comedy, and some drama.


Television shows I like are Dark Angel, Highlander: The Series, CSI: Miami, The X Files, Beavis and Butthead, Knight Rider, Ren and Stimpy, WWE wrestling, Batman: the Animated Series, Tales From The Crypt, MacGyver, Six Feet Under, Nip/Tuck, My So Called Life. Reality shows make my innards do wierd things! Let's boycott them!


I started to read a book during jury duty. John Saul wrote it, but I can't remember the name. Good books I've read is Stephen King's Insomnia, John Saul's The Unloved, Stephen King's Delores Claiborne, (I also saw the movie soon after). That's all I can really rememeber reading. I havn't read much recently.


I haven't thought much about heroes in my life. My brother would be one - I look up to him. My parents for teaching me what I need to know in life, whether I retain it or not.

My Blog


I feel like all my life there have been people out there who do not take me seriously.  They blow me off, dump me, let me drop of the face of the earth, and then go about their lives as if nothin...
Posted by Brian on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 10:56:00 PST

the end

Im excited about graduating from college after so long being here. It's so close I can taste it! I feel like it's the end of an era in a way. I've been going to college for 10 years now and I'm ver...
Posted by Brian on Thu, 01 May 2008 12:59:00 PST

so this is my life?

Sitting here for the better part of the entire day trying my best to figure something out for a project, but seemingly my best isnt good enough. I've heard that so many damn times it's like second na...
Posted by Brian on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 06:28:00 PST

lost voice lol

This is funny! I was told to shut up in the past, but now it's literal. I'm unable to speak above a whisper right now. It's ok not to talk that much anyway. I have to rely on other forms of commun...
Posted by Brian on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 05:43:00 PST

if u pretend that i dont exist

I was just thinking - what is with the world and so many people where they think that they are able, and willing mind you, to walk all over someone, disrespect them, hurt them, and then just walk away...
Posted by Brian on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 06:18:00 PST

judgement comes

Those of you who judge me, and you know who you are, without first asking me for my viewpoint on matters, are prejudging me based on only a portion of the story. That is wrong to say the least. To g...
Posted by Brian on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 07:53:00 PST


I care very much about everyone, whether they know it or not. Times get difficult. Maybe sometimes I am way too hard to understand. But I always care no matter what. I always have and always will....
Posted by Brian on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 08:19:00 PST

Living In The Fullest

I'm tired, as I know others get as well.  I've dealt with many things and many people in my life.  It is difficult to endure sometimes, as it is more difficult right now as I sit and type th...
Posted by Brian on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 09:53:00 PST


I have been sad for days. The one person I needed to talk to will not talk with me. I tried so hard for so long. I have done nothing wrong. I do not understand at all. Why does all of this have t...
Posted by Brian on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 04:17:00 PST


It's just little ol me right now.  No biggie.  Just thinking that if u love someone right now, call them up, no matter what the time.  Just give them a call and say u love them.  T...
Posted by Brian on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 07:00:00 PST