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Saucy Moxie

Ms Fancy Pants

About Me

I am mom, friend, daughter, sister, aunt, and confidant. I think I am a laid back person that enjoys life as it comes (I don't often plan ahead). I am confident, honest and real. Sometimes quiet, but usually just observing. Laughing and smiling most of the time. Great listener and an honest responder. I love to hear children laughing, especially mine. In person, I am animated so I take the long way to get to the end of a story. Ask me about my son's 4-H project, how I met my soul-sisters, about my parents, or even about my mischievous behavior. I can be quite clumsy even without cocktails, especially when I am nervous. I laugh at myself because I know I am not perfect. I seem to run into people I know in the most random places - it's like the six degrees theory only it seems like four degrees. Webster's Defines me as: SAUCY - adjective - amusingly forward and flippant MOXIE - noun - courage, determination, energy, pep

My Interests

- Anything that involves my son and our Italian Greyhound. - Going to MS and GA to see my sisters. - Unplanned adventures/road trips. - Love the beach. - Getting dirty sometimes. ;) - Catching up with old friends and making new ones. - My career. - I love to travel, I've seen England, Wales, Scotland, France, Spain, Mexico, Hawaii - but have much more to see. - I have never met a stranger.

I'd like to meet:

Honest people like me. Honesty takes the guess work out of the equation - guessing can be like assuming... People who make me laugh more than I laugh at myself - and I crack myself up quite a bit. Mac MacGuff in Juno: "In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person will still think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with."TO MY FRIENDS: Inner circles become each others voices because they are an extension of our souls and reality. Inner circles know you better than you know yourself. Inner circles do not tell us what we want to hear, rather challenge us to hear the truth and mean it because they love us - a true challenger. The madness behind those inner circles is knowing, yet not noticing that they came into our lives later and seemingly coincidental. We become comfortable in our skin because they helped us to see the beauty within our own skin... -Sonya B. 2.12.07
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I like everything, it can be really random! I like a lot of indie music and old stuff I can sing to.. :) The Flaming Lips, Radiohead, Wilco, The White Stripes are really good ones to start with..


Most Angelika, IFC, FX or Sundance. Some documentaries and foreign films. I'm a Netflix junkie.


Side Order of Life, Samantha Who, Carpoolers, Big Shots, Six Feet Under, Weeds, Grey's Anatomy, Nip/Tuck, Desp Housewives, Dead Like Me, Discovery Channel, Science, A&E, TLC, Style, IFC, Sundance, most reality television that involves psychic powers or home improvement haha. Whatever catches my attention.



My parents who have been married for 53 years and my son. Anyone who isn't scared to live for today.

My Blog

"Web-based Photoshop" - DON’T BE FOOLED!

RE: Photoshop ExpressI know that we all like to do fun things and make enhancements to photos to share and post on our myspace pages, etc. Photoshop is quite pricey for just home-use. There are a lot ...
Posted by Saucy Moxie on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 12:00:00 PST


*stepping onto soap box**tap tap tap* Is this thing on? Can everyone hear me in the back? Good.When did life get too busy to show respect? Common courtesy doesn't always come with common sense.I know...
Posted by Saucy Moxie on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 08:21:00 PST

To Whom It May Concern:

If this is a test, I promise that I've studied hard and I am passing. If you are one or if you are many, bring it.I choose to take what you've done and move forward with my head held higher, knowing t...
Posted by Saucy Moxie on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 05:52:00 PST

Bump in the night - v2

Ever feel like something is slightly disturbed, whether it's an object slightly disturbed to the right and you didn't move it or maybe a person is slightly disturbed to the left because they don't get...
Posted by Saucy Moxie on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 10:08:00 PST

Postal Junk Mail FYI

This is my "pay it forward" for the day from a bulletin I posted. - SonyaIf you are like me, most of the postal mail you receive, other than bills, are "you are pre-approved for...." and insurance com...
Posted by Saucy Moxie on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 10:57:00 PST

I Aint Afraid O No....

GHOSTS! Okay, maybe I am afraid of the unknown - but still VERY intrigued by it!THE STORY:My next door neighbor, Tammy, is a flight attendant and while on overnights, she has stayed in dumps and uppe...
Posted by Saucy Moxie on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 09:43:00 PST

Mars, Venus, Uranus

hahaha - I had to put that last one in there, that was me crackin myself up. Seriously - I have some Mars vs Venus things on my mind. In this day and age, who is who anymore? I don't believe things ar...
Posted by Saucy Moxie on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 09:28:00 PST

Its that time again..

Just when it got quiet......I wrote a blog in November 2006 that got googled. It was a rant-type blog that I pretty much thought about, wrote about and then forgot about (here it is for reference) Me...
Posted by Saucy Moxie on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 03:37:00 PST

Guilty Concience/ Word of the day

It's been a long time.I have a new job..I like it, I need to spruce the place up a bit, give it some color, but it's got great potential! I am now officially a Mac girl at the office. It's not so hard...
Posted by Saucy Moxie on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 10:44:00 PST

Smell and sound of rain

I love the smell and the sound of a good storm. I sit in a broken chair with the patio door open, listening to my new Wilco cd. Just finished a month's worth of timesheets - talk about a relief when ...
Posted by Saucy Moxie on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 08:30:00 PST