First and foremost, I'm a Jersey Shore boy...crazy love for the greater exit 105 area!
I play music. I have loved music as long as I can remember, growing up in a music loving house hearing anything from Mozart and Chopin, to Queen and Pink Floyd. I got my first real guitar when I was about 8 years old and I have been playing ever since. Since then, I have learned how to play brass, percussion, keys and bass. I have played everything from classical, to jazz, to rock and metal. Music is religion for me, and I worship it in my jam room sanctuary. Currently I am the drummer/percussionist of the Predator Dub Assassins reggae crew, sharing the roles with my bredren Rude Boy Ron. I love all music, but reggae vibes with the heart in a way that no other music does, it's spiritual. When you hear that reggae beat, you gotta move your feet.
I also ride bikes, fast ones (crotch rockets to the ignorant!). My dragon, a 2001 Honda CBR 929 RR, is a living, breathing wild beast; she will carry you around safely and firmly when you treat her right, but treat her wrong and she will buck you off like a mad bronco. The freedom you feel when you're out riding in the open air, connected with the earth and relying on her gravity is almost incomparable with anything else. You can smell, hear and observe the world around you unobstructed as you breeze along the road. I once heard riding a motorcycle described as "the closest thing to flying without leaving the ground." Couldn't be truer.
Bless up...peace and Selassie I guidance...
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 You Are 92% New Jersey!
Wow, you're totally Jersey. There's no doubt about it. Congratulations, and always be proud to be Jersey--it's a great thing to be!
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