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Nuno Ãlvares Pereira (24 de Junho 1360 — 1 de Novembro 1431), também conhecido como o Santo Condestável ou Beato Nuno de Santa Maria, foi um general português do século XIV que desempenhou um papel fundamental na crise de 1383-1385, onde Portugal afirmou a sua independência contra Castela. Nuno Ãlvares Pereira foi também conde de Arraiolos, Barcelos e Ourém, bem como senhor de vastas terras e localidades um pouco por todo o PaÃs a ele oferecidas por El Rei D. João I como sÃmbolo da sua gratidão por tão precioso contributo. ____________________________________________________________ _______________________Nuno Ãlvares Pereira (24 of July 1360 – 1 of November 1431), Also known as the Holy Constable or Beato Nuno de Santa Maria, was a Portuguese General of the XIV century that played a crucial part in the crises of 1383 – 1385, were Portugal stood for its independence against Castela (now Spain). Nuno Ãlvares Pereira was also Count of Arraiolos, Barcelos and Ourém, as well as owner of vast lands and towns across the country offered to him by the King D. João I as a sign of his appreciation for such precious contribution. His military Genius as commander of the Portuguese forces is to this day acknowledged. Finding strength and will in his devoted faith and/or the love for his homeland he constantly outnumbered assured the independence of the kingdom. Later on, he renounced all the wealth he so nobly had deserved to end his days in solitude and meditation as an umbel Brother in the religious order of the Carmelitas in the convent of Carmo. The same convent he founded has result of a promise in the heat of battle. ____________________________________________________________ _______________________"Eis ali seus irmãos contra ele vão, (Caso feio e cruel!) mas não se espanta, Que menos é querer matar o irmão, Quem contra o Rei e a Pátria se alevanta" Camões - Lusiadas - Batalha de Aljubarrota, estrofe 32 canto IV ____________________________________________________________ _______________________