Everything what makes me think, touches or moves me. Words, silence, nature, photography, old stuff, psychology, British Isles, Ireland, fantasy world (vampires, ghosts, demons, angels, elves etc.)
Down to earth, open minded people with similar sensibility and interests.
I'm pretty universal but I mainly listen to rock (indie, soft, acoustic, alternative, pop, rock'n'roll - whatever my ears like) and celtic/folk music. I can't stand rave, techno, disco, hip hop etc.
* You Tube
I like movies which look deeper into human's mind, Tim Burton style. I'm not fond of action movies and I don't like stupid comedies and crappy horrors. I also follow Mr Edward Norton since I was a teenager.
Not much. Some tv shows (Prison Break, 24...) discovery and national geographic programs. No reality shows.
Drama, good thrillers.
People who inspire me and gain my respect.