I made this music playlist at MyFlashFetish .com.
The Proglas Prijepoljski,07.07.07,(on the forgotten day of Day OF Raising in Serbia,during World War II,taking as the symbolic start of theirs activities)started an activity of youths on the street of Prijepolje,as showing a resistance on cultural,social and life climate,in that town firstly,than on the country,and after that on the global plan.The idea of the Proglas Prijepoljski,is to bring youth clear vision of the future,and provocate them to bring new ideas,which will bring the whole brand new valuables in future,that will change this surviving in "this projection of animal chain",and try to change it in some near future,into something that must be more "human".Members of this movement,are youth of Projepolje,which bring and realize showing, theirs problems ,on the short and long period,in the community where they live and on the global scale,and putting them on the first place of importance,on it's deserved place.Activity are realized through a variation of form,firstly and mainly through art on the street,and after that,on the other forms of creative thought.
[sr]Proglas Prijepoljski je nastao 07.07.07,(na zaboravljeni Dan ustanka,iz Drugog svetskog rata,uzet kao simbolican dan pocetka njihovih aktivnosti) pocev..i sa aktivnosti mladih na ulicama Prijepolja,kao vid otpora mladih prema nametnutom poretku u socijalnoom,kulturnom i anti-..ivotnom aspektu,prvo kroz taj grad,a kasnije kroz dr..avu,pa sve do globalnih razmera.Ideja Proglasa Prijepoljskog je,da se mladima Prijepolja obezbedi prava vizija buducnosti,provocirajuci ih da iznesu svoje ideje,animirajuci kreativni potencijal u sebi,koje bi donele neke nove vrednosti,kako bi prekratili ovaj "opstanak u lancu ..ivotinja",i doneli neki novi aspekt blizi "coveku".Pripadnici ovog pokreta su mladi Prijepolja,koji govore i realiziraju direktno svoje kratkorocne i dugorocne probleme,..ivota u zajednici pa sve do globalnog plana,podi..uci ih na prvo mesto va..nosti,gde im je i mesto.Aktivnost se realizuje putem razlicitih vidova formi,ali je to glavno i prvenstveno ,umetnost na ulici,a posle toga drugi oblici kreativne misli.
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FOR MORE our works ,please visit PICS selection above :)
The Proglas Prijepoljski started with the following themes :*Saying turbo-folk-maniacs that we are alive : )
*What's wrong in the Prijepolje's mentality ?
*Speech of freedom on local web portal and in the town
*Fight for the basic human rights and values
*Fighting against sucking souls which is still on the run,and seeking to cut it's source
e-mail: [email protected]Visit our profile at Glapros! myspace