DEEDZ N.Y.C: STORY DEEDZ N.Y.C is a Manhattan-based high-end street wear brand thriving to create timeless fashion with a refreshing dash of tasteful pop culture. DEEDZ NYC was solely a concept for quite some time until it manifested itself out of a dream thanks to a hard working creative team with a vision. In their words, "we maintain the use of skill as an art-form in anything we create and no one should settle for less". They are known for meshing class and only the best quality product together with New Yorks "illicious" street culture to create a unique collection. "We make clothing that looks good", Deedz (Diederik Comte) states, "Its quite simple really, no gimmicks, nothing unnecessary, just what makes you look good. We are not about being the freshest trendy clothing line out. We are about making clothes, which is what a clothing line should be about". Diederik Comte: Principal and design power-house Graham Brewster: Principal and Business Manager
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