JF + pays de mouettes, de figues et de pins baign� de soleil + amoureuse combl�e + maman g�t�e + petite soeur entour�e + amie fid�le mais pas tr�s assidue + stylo plume + collection de cahiers, papiers color�s, feuilles en tout genre + Nintendo DS rose + Kickers, Mango, H&M + livres de recettes + huile prodigieuse de Nuxe + lunettes + bagues volumineuses + caf� noir et tr�s sucr� + pancakes + sacs � main en pagaille + ponctualit� relative
Who am I? Young french female, from a country where sun shines over pines and fig trees, happily married, proud ��mummy dearest�� of two amazing boys, beloved sister, faithful friend, though not always able to keep in touch as often as I’d like, life time collector of pens, pencils and notebooks of all types, because I just can’t prevent myself from writing: long sentences, short stories, deep thoughts, that I kindly propose you to read here. So, if you have five minutes of your time to waste reading them, and even one or two more to tell me what you think about it, I would be grateful. And, last but not least, my favorite meal: black coffee and pancakes, of course.
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