"This is related to the phenomenon of the Professional Smile, a national pandemic in the service industry; and no place in my experience have I been on the receiving end of as many Professional Smiles as I am on the [cruise ship] Nadir: maitre d's, Chief Stewards, Hotel Managers' minions, Cruise Director -- their PS's all come on like switches at my approach. But also back at land at banks, restaurants, airline ticket counters, on and on. You know this smile: the strenuous contraction of circumoral fascia w/ incomplete zygomatic involvement, the smile that doesn't quite reach the smiler's eyes and that signifies nothing more than a calculated attempt to advance the smiler's own interests by pretending to like the smilee. Why do employers and supervisors force professional service people to broadcast the Professional Smile? Am I the only consumer in whom high doses of such a smile produce despair?"
i love that there's an ipod in this guy's hand. who listens to jams when they're sitting next to BAT BOY?
concert penis, becky hopscotch, hyperthreading, the federal duck, charlie two-shirts and the thunderchickens, rage against danielle, intended for pleasure, breakfast for dinner, boobgrab/balltap, outlaw hickies, fellatio del toro, the sniffles, drooling dogs, the loud noise, the meat basements, screaming happy completion.
indiana jones and the smoking of doobs, passionate kisses, lasagna lasagna, the ferret who couldn't be killed, rushmoore, babies are bendy, my roommates shower together constantly, if you keep pickin' at it it'll never heal, down by law, famous corn dog on a stick, all the real girls, shit sandwich, the cat who pays rent.
today on my smoke break a for real semi-elderly couple were talking about the new harry potter book. the lady went into how she really likes historical fiction, and that she's reading something by some lady about a female archaeologist in the nineteenth century. laura croft was mentioned. who i'd like to meet: someone who reads at a legit college level, other than college professors reading each other's novels to be polite, or college students reading their homework. i'd like to read a book wherein the generation gap still exists, and little old people give each other hard candies and call each other, "dear" and don't know anything about angelina's jugs, and i would like to climb into that book and tuck my little mits under my chin and go to sleep.
the trad biz lady in the loop who made this face at me for like no reason: