films, photography, travelling, gigs, collecting junk, lomos, mix tapes and cds, lighthouses, winter, astronomy, landscape, film festivals, car boot sales
anyone sincere.
tori amos, the cure, dirty three, rachmaninov, godspeed you black emperor!, mogwai, songs:ohia, ravel, the smiths, belle and sebastian, arab strap, chopin, hanne hukkelberg, joanna newsom, sufjan stevens, regina spektor, smog, anything and everything in a very large spectrum, any music that is moving in some instead i'll give you this:
andrei tarkovski, ingmar bergman, krzysztof kieslowski, tsai ming-liang, alfred hitchcock, pedro almodovar, nicholas ray, apichatpong weerasethakul, david cronenberg, wong kar-wai, lars von trier, zeki demirkubuz, alexander sokurov, fatih akin, isabelle huppert, daniel auteuil, liv ullmann, steve buscemi, tim roth, emmanuelle beart, marcello mastroianni, jean marc barr, maggie smith, humphrey bogart, anna magnani, james mason
oguz atay, franz kafka, milan kundera, jean-paul sartre, zadie smith, fyodor dostoevski, haruki murakami, sylvia plath, ferhan sensoy, elif safak, ahmet hamdi tanpinar