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[ Steal this | New Group | Full Size ]African American Female Communication -
(Barbara Hill Hudson, Professor Emerita of English and author of African American Female Speech Communities: Varieties of Talk, has created this web site to "explore the many aspects of African American female communication patterns, both verbal and nonverbal." The site includes resources and information, including an extensive bibliography, on African American females from different social and cultural groups.)
African-American Women On-line Archival Collections
- Scanned images of manuscript pages and full text of the writings of African American women, from the Digital Scriptorium of the Duke U. Special Collections Library. Includes memoirs, poems, vignettes, and slave letters.)
African American Women's History
- (This site focuses on the history of African American women "from slavery through Reconstruction, Harlem Renaissance, and civil rights." Among its many resources are slave narratives, biographies of well-known and lesser-known women, coverage of African American nurses, women's clubs, participation in historical events, movements, and political activities, and more. Included, too, is a section on white women who worked for racial justice and the rights of African Americans.)
African American Women Writers of the 19th Century -
(The Schomburg Center has made available this extraordinary digital collection of 52 published works by 19th-century black women writers. The entire database as well as individual works can be searched by keywords.)
The African Women in Cinema Project -
(This web site provides information about the works, thoughts, and practices of African women in the various aspects of cinema. Based on the research of Dr. Beti Ellerson of Howard University, the site includes a timeline, a teaching and learning guide, links to related sites, and the voices and profiles of African women in cinema from diverse sources. Women from the African Diaspora are included.)
African Women's Bibliographic Database -
Librarian and Africa specialist Davis Bullwinkle has compiled this very extensive, searchable database of English-language materials from 1986 to the present on African women.)
Association of African Women Scholars -
(Organization devoted to "promoting excellence in scholarship, networking, & activism." Website offers resources in these areas.)
Black Girl International -
(Site describes itself as "the internet resource for black women." Offers links to other sites in a dozen categories, such as Art, Heritage, Issues, and Organizations.)
Black American Feminism -
(Univ. of California librarian Sherri Barnes has created this extensive bibliography of works dealing with Black American feminism, from the antislavery and women's rights movements of the 19th century to the present. The bibliography "documents and validates an intellectual tradition that is continuously ghettoized within Black studies, women's studies and society as a whole." Sections include Arts & Humanities; Social Sciences; Education; Health, Medicine, and Science; (Auto)biography; Interviews; Speeches; Multidisciplinary Anthologies; Periodicals; and Web Sites.)
Black Womans HealthThe Worlds Most Beautifull Black Women. F*** the other women....aint nothin better than a black woman!!!!!@..$%^&.ALL THE THE BLACK WOMEN ON THIS SITE ARE THE WORLDS BEST - any member who isnt a woman , is merely a fan.Other women, of other races look ok, but they can't compair to black women. Hell Naw, no way. I love black women. Yall deserve some appreciation!!!!APRIL 8, 2007 OPEN LETTER TO MY BLACK GRAND DAUGHTERS:Several days ago, you were grossly insulted and demeaned by mainstream-media sexist, racist white men who referred to you as "hard core hos, nappy-headed hos, jigaboos and wannabees." These are deeply hurtful, hateful remarks. Yet these creeps felt no qualms whatsoever in making them.It should be noted that the host who called you whores is a member of the National Broadcasters Hall of Fame and one of the nation's best-known radio voices, infamous for his "politically incorrect verbal broadsides." His program is syndicated to millions of listeners at more than 70 stations around the country.There are more than enough folks calling for the s.o.b. to be fired. So I won't even go there, because my reaction was he should be missing a few front teeth. Moreover, it's unlikely that he'll get anything but more free publicity which always translates into more money in capitalist America.I want to counter those vicious verbal attacks by letting you know how proud I am of you, and giving you a bit of advice.I can imagine how hard you have worked to even get into a prestigious university like Rutgers. And I'm quite sure it was no piece of cake to make it all the way to the national basketball finals. Clear indication of a high level of physical and intellectual development.I look at you and recall my own school athletic experiences. I'm closing in on 70 years old. So I hale from the bad ol' days when active participation in sports labeled you a "tom boy." Check it. A tom and a boy!Thanks to Title Nine establishing gender equity in funding for women's physical education, athletics, and training, women have made great strides and gains in all kinds of sports. Moreover, it's been noted that since the advent of Title Nine, statistics show that women are less prone to being victims of battery, drug and alcohol addiction, etc.You are our shining stars for all the world to see. But with the green light to insult Blacks and gays coming from Washington and its mouthpiece, mainstream media, I would be remiss if I didn't warn you that things are likely to get even worse. Especially, if (or should I say when?) these racist creeps get away with this most blatant disparagement of young Black women.So my advice is simple. Learn how to really defend yourselves. You are already superb athletes, and that athleticism will translate readily into the martial arts. Of course, from my own early experience, you will find real opposition to this idea from some of your own male associates. Chauvinist men don't cotton to intelligent, athletic sisters even when their chosen sports are relatively benign. When they think you might be able to kick their butts, they will wax aggressive well before you're capable of sparring. So beware.Hopefully, you will find some Black men who are ready and willing to stand up and defend you,(....truth...cause I will) as well as encourage you to learn self-defense.This discipline not only gives you martial skills, it builds self confidence and promotes good health.My last bit of advice relates to the need for Black women to stand up and be counted in our collective struggle for equal rights, human rights, self-determination and dignity.We come from a long line of brave and beautiful Black women who were resisters, who fought courageously against slavery, exploitation, and injustice, who stood up.Join them! And continue to make us proud.Yours truly, Kiilu NyashaHeader Banner Made with! Click here to make your own!Myspace Contact Tables