i hate descriptions but let me try here. i'm from nyc but live in socal now after moving from boston a few months ago. got all that? was an air force officer and left after 4 yrs to enjoy the sun and go corporate. now, i just want to run my own biz. i'm the co-founder of an arabic cultural consultation co. which i'm hoping to take on full time soon inshallah. i'm into anything that's new and/or interesting. big baseball, hockey, and golf fan. yeah that's right, hockey and golf! i like reading business articles and anything to do w/the finance world. i'm an optimist, a laissez-faire capitalist, a fiscal conservative and social libertarian. i prefer lounges over clubs, hooka over alcohol, hip-hop over country, fridays over mondays, real people over hypocrites, truth over propaganda, cnbc over fox "noise" channel, working out over working late, success over failure, ambition over apathy and mediocrity, and A FREE AND UNOCCUPIED PALESTINE over israel. being from the east coast, i believe in "work hard, play hard." did i mention i was actually pretty laid back? :o)