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i git er done'd it!

About Me

lets see.... growing up i watched lots of sesame street, and mr. rogers (howdy neighbor!).. seems like that was all that ever came on tv. .. when i was 4 or so my dad purchased a commodore 64 (go basic) which had great games like ghostbusters and pole position and all kinds of other messed up titles no one would reconize. games back then were so hardcore -- no graphics to hide behind; all content and gameplay! my parents loved Tolkien and got me LOTR picture books and animated films and such, so i think they are to blame for my fantasyness. school was neat; i went to a k-8 school and i still have the same friends from kindergarden and such. around 6th grade i started lisnin to metal and playing dungeons &dragons (wow i never really realized that it happened at the same time). ..i think i also started reading stephen king that year.. i was in band (trombone) from middle school and most of high school.. got to travel with marchin band woo hoo; marched in the tournament of roses parade my fresh year (8 miles of horse poop and porn) and got to play neat stuph like carmina burana... used to get on the local BBS's .. ahh... makes me wish the internet never blew up... started playin bass my soph year ... had a girlfriend who had a bass but never played it so i stole it like a good bf. joined a band (drive-in funeral!!) with allen clements (whom i knew from the BBS's and didn't find out till later with other ppl like gobi!) stole one of allen's ex-girlfriends (and look 8 years later i'm engaged to her sorry allen!) (actually its 11 years later and we are getting married, man i really need to update this) and made lots of new d&d friends from lafayette high by going to the kettle (thanks myers!).... worked at mc donalds with my bro shaun comeaux for about a year and got a job at pizza hut when they started buggin me to cut my hair... i was lucky enough to leave the public school system right before they started making students cut hair (yay weren't those anti cut hair funcitons fun)... started college in computer science with all my friends (and they eventually all changed majors or dropped out, very lonley) and graduated some 6 years later with a computer science and mathematics double major (i had to have a reason for being in college for so long). also went to my 1st rave at the end of my 1st college semester (could that be why it took so long?) which expanded my musical horizions to the nth power (thanks again forever for new music and Dan's house 1,2,& 3 Byron) also played with a band called stardotstar during that time... the local raver kids would come watch us rock out in out fat pants much fun! the music had enough effects and wierd spacyness that the rav0rz enjoyed it which made me happy... also played with a metal band called IMI during the same time. we played new orleans alot which was neat and got to do a show with crowbar (!gasp!) and some rock fest put together by phil anselmo (who wasn't there of course, but his friend was!! i also found out he like to be pee'd on for all you ppl lookin for a good time) so yea bands break up... do another side project called redi-w, you were probably in this band.. went through like 7 drummers, 5 guitar players, a key player, and 3 vocalist or so. unfortunatley the band broke up before we ever played a show... after that i quit playing music for about 6 months and indulged in the works of mr zappa who really helped keep me stay in the music thing... just when i decided 'hey i wana start playing again' Allen asked me to join up with Victim of Modern Age (like a day or so later) which has been such an experience! things comming around full circle always work out so awesome! i've met so many badass people and made so many new friends; the local music scence was very accepting thanks everyone old and new! so a year passes. meanwhile i'm interning at the university and no longer slingin pizzas. that changes when i graduate this past may, and i'm back at pizza hut again (ok full circles suck sometimes). but thats ok, VOMA is still rockin the free world a year later and AC/DC is still saluting me on a regular basis (name that tune). so yea, i'm still playing D&D with the same group of friends and i'm running a caffe cottage game when i get a chance (live action you know you want to) and things couldn't be better (ok, i guess i could have a sweet programming job). looking foward to seeing a large chunk of the west this summer for VOMA's tour and meeting all kinds of crazy people. hrm... if you read all this i should teach you binary sometime.

My Interests

music(old, new, slow, fast, ugly, pretty) Dungeons and Dragons, Everquest, tabletop and massive multiplayer online roleplaying games, computer science, people, feta, topology, hexadecimal, OO design, micro$oft, T$R products, Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, modulo, quantum computing, quantum leap (did he ever make it back?), bill hicks, fractals, coast to coast am, talk radio, dj's (especially superstar dj myers 3 ), c++ vs. java, video game design and development, jordan vs. bird, the 'Paul Is Dead' hoax, teaching, fun with ML, UML (hey no relation!), fibonacci number sequence and all things golden ( go watch pi or listen to tool ), your Tertiary structure, MacGyver, pewter, sushi, red powerade, parti gras (baw), 100:10100, PK!PK!, bacca's mom (ah!), my ti-92 plus o i love you so, big nasty table, using my statistics skillz to win $$$$ at the casino, remembering my statistics skillz, remembering college, bananna nut bread, star wars, star trek, star wars vs. star trek, (insert nerdliness here)* --- pattern matching, computer graphics programming, threads!, why juno reactor is so much fun, finding other colors to wear besides black, wearing black, being late for work, pr0n, ya know the regular sutph..

I'd like to meet:

Geddy Lee, Les Claypool, Victor Wooten (hey buddy you needa re-sign my bass!), Gary Gygax, Seth Able.. Bard (he wants to steal my video game idea yes!), Ringo, the Uncanny X-Men, people who play D&D and EQ, Noam Chomsky, Shigeru Miyamoto, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Link, Deaner & Geneer Weener, Roni Size, Jack Black, Cheech & Chong, that guy who made Napster, Metallica's Lawers, all 500 ppl or so from yahoo ICQ and AOL on my list, EQ guildmates.


strapping young lad, frank zappa, pavement, primus, tool, hum, rush, black sabbath, the beatles, the beastie boys, ween, pantera, down, roni size, my bloody valentine, carl cox, ak1200, GNR, christopher lawrence, type o negative, juno reactor, aphex twin, photek,beethoven, NIN, uberzone, bela fleck and the flecktones, smokin grass, KMFDM, the police, SDRE, and of course !local!

My Blog

hit the bengal lich!

Posted by Jason on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST