Interests, interests, interests... hmmm well I like books, movies, music I own a drum set which takes up most of the space in my room, Erin's ass (Erin be me girlfriend) actually I love everything about her so if you think I'm just in it for her ass your mistaken. I also enjoy playing magic the gathering. If I think of anymore things that interest me you'll be the first to know. Where would i be if i didn't tell you about my passion that is BJJ(Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) i can't get enough i'm always watching it on tv when i can and duking it out with my fellow BJJ fans.
People... possibly who'll help me defeat the evil scarecrows...
Wow your really taking an interest in my life... I'm so touched... anyway I like pretty much anything my favorite types of music are rock and screamo. Here be some of me favorite bands: Billy Talent, Linkin Park, Onlyforward, The Offspring, A Change of Pace, A Dead Giveaway, My Chemical Romance, Demon Hunter, Underoath, Finch, Wierd Al, you should check out Mudvaye they're like awesome.
Still here? Well then I guess I should keep going then. Movies I love movies, I love going to the movies or even staying home and watching movies all day I'm saying the word movies too much arn't I? Fine I'll stop, my favortie movies (since I love movies so much there might be alot) are: Underworld, Van Helsing, Hidalgo, The Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, X-men, King Arthur, Star Wars, Rocky, and finally RoboCop
Sons of Butcher, Family Guy, Robot Chicken
Like I said before I like books. I mainly read fantasy books cause for some reason I'm just fasinated with medevil stuff and the whole fantasy thing just works. If you tell me that you like The Lord of the Rings books I'll most likely call you an idiot! I appologize in advance if I do but those books were just horrible in my mind. So if you want some good reading check out The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan or The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind. I think The Wheel of Time is better so check that out first. I promise that if you read that you'll see why I hated The Lord of the Rings books.