LIVE music (jazz, blues, rock) and theatre, IMAX movies, doing the research for my novel set in Civil War times, golf, T*Girls, volunteering time for charitable events.
Women of any sort (GG, TG, whatever) as long as they are good looking and well-rounded, both physically and intellectually. A dim couch potato - no matter HOW hot you are - won't get my attention...
Hip-Hop and Rap IS NOT MUSIC. It may well be 'social commentary' but it isn't 'music' and doesn't reflect MY society - can't recall the last time I saw a crack ho or a driveby. I like guitar blues, fusion jazz, and old rock 'n roll.
Steel Magnolias is my all time favorite. I liked the recent Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in IMAX. Oceans 12 was good, but not as good as 11. Quentin Tarantino makes some amazing flicks - see Reservoir Dogs sometime, it'll blow you away.
ANYTHING by James Michener, he's a GOD. Shelby Foote and Bruce Catton for their books on the Civil War. Michael Connelly for thrillers. Dan Brown for intelligent fiction.
Got to borrow Willie Nelson's line - "My heroes have always been cowboys".