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I am here for Friends and Networking

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My Interests

history, world religion, anthropology, philosophy, biochemestry, and how they are all eachother's undoing. yoga, meditation (trying to learn), fashion design, foreign travel, hair/makeup, massage, growing things (other than that green shit in my fridge....), herbs/aromatherapy, astrology, enjoying a pint in the company of good friends, discovering new people and finding out what makes them tick....

I'd like to meet:

God, Oscar The Grouch, Nietzsche, Salvador Dali, Ray Kurzweil, the Wild Things, and anyone with a good sense of humor.View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment

Get this video and more at MySpace.comVenetian Snares - Szamar Madar


i'm into power noise, dark electro, a little drum'n'bass, IDM, and some gabber...i think listing band names is a little pretencious. ;) but if your dying to know, just ask. i always love to hear new stuff and swap mix cd's. and for the love of god if your a metal band don't send me a fucking friend request, metal makes baby jesus cry. cheers.


i dig dario argento, love tim burton, lucio fulci, ridley scott, manga, some troma (if i'm drunk enough), daren aronofsky, david cronenberg... i could go on and on. i'm usually up for anything with a dark twist to it. i just saw love me if you dare and i think it's my new favorite movie. and the exorcist prequel kicks my fucking ass. soooo gooood!


most tv makes me nauseous, but i dig the nature channel (especially as backing footage to a good cd), the history channel, pbs, and british comedy.


perfume, edgar allan poe, neil gaiman's neverwhere, neuromancer, masters of deception, the wasp factory, stupid white men, philip k dick, hp lovecraft, nietzsche, ray kurzweil, dante...the list really could go on and on. currently i'm reading 'guns, germs, and steel' by jared diamond.


this beautiful woman...
.....need i say more?

You will drink too much gin. Not the worst way to
die, but you won't remember too much of your
life. Hey, at least you made some people laugh!
What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?
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I AM 73% EVIL GENIUS! Evil courses through my blood. Lies and deceit motivate my evil deeds. Crushing the weaklings and idiots that do nothing but interfere in my doings. Take the EVIL GENIUS test at
I AM 71% ASSHOLE/BITCH! I am abrasive, some people really hate me, but there may be a group of other tight knit assholes and bitches that I can hang out with and get me. Everybody else? Fuck ‘em. Take the ASSHOLE/BITCH test at
.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Which drunk are you?
You're hungarian kinda drunk
You're playin' the accordeon all night for family and friends and spreading drunken joy around you, you are a mentor to all of us pathetic losers...

Click Here to Take This Quiz
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You are the Hermit card. The Hermit has chosen a
solitary spiritual path. He shines light on his
inner self and, by this means, gains wisdom.
The Hermit's home is the natural world and it
is by being in tune with that world that he
learns the laws of nature and learn how they
operate within himself. His path is a lonely
one as he lives in silence and has for
companionship only his own internal rhythms.
But those crossing his path are touched by his
light and wisdom. Though often alone, he
manages nevertheless to instruct those who meet
him and guides those who chose to follow him on
a path towards enlightenment. Image from The
Aleister Crowley Tarot deck.
Which Tarot Card Are You?
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You're a Pint of Guinness!
What Type of Alcoholic Beverage Are You?
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You are Klaus, the Rivethead. You have the power of Industrial Might. You listen to music that sounds like a train going through a tunnel at high speed. Most importantly, you stomp holes in the dancefloor.
Where Are You on the Gothic Colour Spectrum?
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I AM 57% TORTURED ARTIST! Art is significant in my life, people are scum but I have the capicity to deal with it. Give it a few more years and I will either forget about art or hate the world. Take the TORTURED ARTIST test at