Michelle ♥ Tiffany profile picture

Michelle ♥ Tiffany

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Layout Made By Michelle Tiffany
Everything made by me...
"Call Me When You're Sober"
Don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
You want me,
Come find me.
Make up your mind.
Should I let you fall?
Lose it all?
So maybe you can remember yourself.
Can't keep believing,
We're only deceiving ourselves .
And I'm sick of the lie,
And you're too late.
Don't cry to me.

If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
You want me,
Come find me.
Make up your mind.
Couldn't take the blame.
Sick with shame.
Must be exhausting to lose your own game.
Selfishly hated,
No wonder you're jaded.
You can't play the victim this time,
And you're too late.
Don't cry to me.

If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
You want me,
Come find me.
Make up your mind.

You never call me when you're sober.
You only want it cause it's over, It's over.
How could I have burned paradise?

How could I - you were never mine.
So don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
Don't lie to me,
Just get your things.
I've made up your mind.
The Sexiest Man Alive: Nikki Sixx:
As you all know Motley Crue is my most favorite band ever!!! And that I Love Nikki Sixx, not just cuz hes in my fave band and is hot,Tho he is, I admire his musical and writing talent and think hes just plain awesome...
He truly is AMAZING if you ever get the chance read his book Heroin Diaries, you will love it, it will make you laugh and it will make you cry, but mostly you will just be in AWE of all this man went thru and what hes done to become who he is today...Get it READ IT... :)
Check out

They let me pretend to run their My space and Forum to make me feel important, I love those boys cuz they think I rock and they love me too :) Look HERE For Lie's, Inc.'s My Space, And HERE For their Forum... :)

My Interests

Call Me When Your Sober Video


Above is a slide show of my son Nicholas Jeffery, 19, who just joined the Navy...He graduated boot camp Maay 9th...He is doing very well and I am so very proud of my kid, he rocks and he is going to go far in his life, one day you will be voting for Nicholas J. ***** for President!!!! Yup thats what he wants to be :) for serious so watch for him in about 16 years :) and till then SUPPORT YOUR TROOPS and all that they are doing for you!!!

View my page on Navy For Moms

Joy thank you so much for the links they are a GREAT HELP, love you!!!


"Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."
- Unknown

† † † † † † †
Here is a list of some of my favorite things:
♥ My boys
♥ My bestest friends
♥ Hair Force One & The Hair Bears
♥ Lies,Inc
♥ Choking Faith
♥ The Underground TV Street Team!!!
♥ Music
♥ Dancing
♥ Local Bands
♥ Going out
♥ Motley Crue
♥ Nikki Sixx
♥ I ♥ Faeries
♥ Magick
♥ WWE Raw and ECW
♥ Making cartoon Dolls
♥ Roses
♥ Playing on my computer....
♥ Paint Shop
♥ Thunder Storms
♥ Writting
♥ Vampires
♥ Goth
♥ Art....
† † † † † † †

I'd like to meet:

This is a doll I made...

I Love to make Web Sites and Dolls and what not check out a site I made for my dolls and what not...


Welll lets see what else? I love music, rock boys and someday want to be a rockstars girlfriend (hey it could happen, IT COULD)boys in eyeliner are HOT!!!

I love making things in paint shop, just about everything on my page was made or edited by me...I love to write and write poetry when Im not having writer's block...
Really theres so much about me I cant even put into words or have enough room, Im full of magick and I believe in faeries, karma and other than that Im 36 years old, A mom of 3 boys who rock my existance,Nicholas,19, who left for the Navy in March, Lukas, 14, my lil Gangsta, and Ethan,6, my loving lil booger,And my lil princess, Piper Elizabeth, born March 24th, 2008,who is already spoiled rotten, I have kick ass best friends who I wouldnt make it without, and yeah...

Dont Judge me, if you dont know me!

Yeah thats pretty much me... :) Any questions? Just ask, but that doesnt mean I will tell you...
Love and Stuffs,


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Check out Naked Beggars, You will love them as much as I do, I promise, not to mention they are some of the nicest coolest ppl you can meet, Inga, Kris, Eric and Lisa,You Rock!!!

Click Above if you WANNA GET NAKED!!!

♥ Lies,INC
♥ Hair Force One
♥ Choking Faith
♥ VS The Earth
♥ Rail
♥ Skell
♥ Marylin Manson
♥ Nocturne
♥ Psyclon Nine
♥ Lacuna Coil
♥ Drain STH
♥ Leaves Eyes
♥ Godsmack
♥ Pantera
♥ Korn
♥ NickleBack
♥ Disturbed
♥ Hole & Courtney Love!
♥ Type O Negitive
♥ Coal Chamber
♥ Lita Ford
♥ Poison
♥ Faster Pussycat
♥ Wasp
♥ La Guns
♥ Bon Jovi
♥ Guns N'Roses
♥ Jackyl
♥ Skid Row
♥ Vixen
♥ Cinderella
♥ White Snake
and a bunch more Im sure I forgot those are my most faves....


Icon made by me from Pic I took

♥ Legend
♥ Labyrinth
♥ Merlin
♥ Practical Magick
♥ The Craft
♥ Grease
♥ Footloose
♥ Girl Interruppted
♥ Empire Records
♥ The Lost Boys
♥ Ever After
♥ Miss Conginallity
♥ Sweet Home Alabama
♥ 8 Mile
♥ Finding Nemo
♥ 50 First Dates
♥ Lord of the Rings
♥ The Crow ♥ Drop Dead Fred
♥ The Breakfast Club



Proud Owner of Seasons
One Thru Eight!!!!
^^Icon made by me^^

I love Csi Miami, Crossing Jordan,Law and Order SVU, Angel and bunches more...


Once apon a time...
Poems,roses,cards and promises...
Broken hope,lies and tears...
He loves me,he loves me not , he loves me, he loves me NOT...
What happened? Where did you go??
What happened to love and second chances???
Hold me, love me,give me hugs and kisses
You promised to love me thru all my years...
Broken promises and a shattered heart, is what Ive got...
I cant believe I loved you so...
I cant believe there will be no more slow dances...
Kiss me once, Kiss me twice
Here today, gone tomorrow...
Tell me Im the fool,
If that would make you feel so much better...
Walk out that door,BUT dont look back...
Beg me,plead me,Down on your Knees,I wont be that nice...
now I live in nothing but sorrow,
with my blacked soul...
I will never forget that letter,
That ended it all,and broke our pact...
Forever isnt all that long...
I wish I would have known...
Your sweet smile,I'll see no more...
I begged and cried
But you just wouldnt hear me...
I cant believe I could have been so wrong...
And for all I was shone,
you still walked out the door...
Just then I could have died...
I just couldnt believe this was to be...
Baby I love you
Baby move on...
Your so pretty and sweet...
I just have to go,
It not you its ME...
Ok so what am I to do??
was I your lil pawn...
left cold and lying in the street...
I just missed you so...
I guess it was never ment to be...
Thats ok, thats alright
I guess this is the end...
The end of our fairy tale...
Guess I wasnt the princess after all...
I was just the wicked witch...
Mirror Mirror on the wall- Im just not snow white...
Dont lie, dont pretend...
Our love went cold and stale...
This wasnt my call...
Im just the little bitch...
Written By, Michelle Tiffany
October 2006


My Bestest Ever Friend of 14 years is my biggest HERO in this world, with out her, I am nothing, and Im not just saying that, or putting it here cuz she told me to when I said she was my hero, LOL, I know, without her, my life sux...

The Following Video is how I feel about Drama and Rumors ENJOY!!!!:

More about the Drama:

My Blog


Yeah nothing here to see, sorry to disappoint my stalkers( Oh by the way over to the right we have some refreshments, and over to the left is my awesome KJ, hurry and get in your request so she can ge...
Posted by Michelle ♥ Tiffany on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:57:00 PST

Should I let you fall, Lose it all, So maybe you can remember yourself...Takes on a new meaning

Ive been trying to figure out what snapped inside me to make me feel the way that I do right now... Then I was listening to the song on my profile... And the lyrics in the subject line took on a whole...
Posted by Michelle ♥ Tiffany on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 07:17:00 PST

Things and Stuffs...

I dunno, just sitting here thinkin... Was just talkin to 3 friends just now...2 by text one by phone...All of them making me smile, think, wonder, feel loved, wanted, needed, and most of all BLESSED.....
Posted by Michelle ♥ Tiffany on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 08:44:00 PST

It was happy till.......It wasnt

OMFG THE SEX IN THE CITY MOVIE IS SOOOOOOO AWESOME, I TOTALLY LOVED IT!!!!!Girls night rocked... I had a great time girls...I dont know if it was the movie or sitting  between Jenn and Wendy and ...
Posted by Michelle ♥ Tiffany on Sat, 31 May 2008 11:05:00 PST

Im Your Sacrifice

Still needed it here I still LOVE it..."Sweet Sacrifice" It's true, we're all a little insane. But it's so clear, Now that I'm unchained. Fear is only in our minds, Taking over all the time. Fear i...
Posted by Michelle ♥ Tiffany on Sat, 31 May 2008 06:48:00 PST

Great Lakes Bound!!! (public post)

Im about ready to leave to see my baby graduate from boot camp!!! Im driving to the great lakes tonight, will be home Sunday!!! Im so excited I cant wait...If you need me, call my pretty green cell ph...
Posted by Michelle ♥ Tiffany on Thu, 08 May 2008 05:22:00 PST

I must brag, Im a proud mom, of an excellent SOLDIER!!!

I just have to tell you all my son Nick kicks ass!! YUP he has not one but 2 medals already!!!Marksmen for shooting guns :) and National Defense medal which he said he is most proud of!!!Hes doing gre...
Posted by Michelle ♥ Tiffany on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 06:49:00 PST

New song...

Check it out...Thanx Wendy you always find the coolest stuff :) *MUAH*
Posted by Michelle ♥ Tiffany on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 08:39:00 PST