Myspace Layouts at / Gorillaz Alien
Myspace Layouts at / Gorillaz Alien
Almost everything interests me for a short time, then...thanks to A.D.D., I get bored and move on to something else. If you really want to know...ask me.
Dead or Alive: Ray Bradbury, Ernst Hemmingway, Schwartzenegger, Stephen King, Harley Race, "The Dynamite Kid" Tom Billington, Langston Hughes, Quentin Tarantino, Elvis, Kurt Vonnegut, Stephen King, Brett Favre, Chuck Bednarik, Robert Frost, Lawrence Taylor, Ronnie Lott, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Nikolai Tesla, my EXACT hand twin, and your MOMMA!!!
Lots of music invades my iPod...Clutch, The Killers, lots more, and the Sword, I posted their videos for you because I'm such a nice guy... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
This is my big vice, I mean... I really have to many to name...but just to graze over a few: Conan the Barbarian, The Crow, The 13th Warrior, Fight Club, Hudson Hawk (I get teased about this one), all of Tarantino's stuff, American Psycho, Dark City,Silver Bullet, Evil Dead II, Army of Darkness, The 5th Element, The Princess Bride, Excalibur, BraveHeart, Gladiator, Young Frankenstein, Good Will Hunting, and many, MANY more.
So..I'm really not watching much TV right now...I TIVO Smackdown and fast forward to my boy, MVP...I'll watch Smallville, The Next Ultimate Fighter, and Supernatural, but that's about it.
Like movies, I have too many favorite books to list. I seem to have a love affair with each one, but again...I'll just hit on a few:Ishmael, by Quinn-This book changed my life and how I look at it.The Never Ending Story- The book BLOWS the movie's written in two different colored inks. Why? Read it and find out.The Harry Potter Series- Every one is exceptional in it's own way. I like how the writing grows with Harry and his friends.A Seperate Peace- I had to read this in high school. I ended up reading it all in one day. A very powerful story.A Catcher in the Rye- The original slacker. This book is for anybody who doesn't know what to do with their lives.ANYTHING by Ray Bradbury- His writing is magical. From Something Wicked This Way Comes to Farneheit 451 to the Martian Chronicles. AMAZING.Most of Stephen King's stuff. Scary AND funny. What a horror experience should be.Anything from Ernest Hemmingway-The beauty of these stories are their directness and simplicity. The exact opposite of Bradbury.Anything by Kurt Vonnegut-He's like a little vulgar Ray Bradbury.And lately, I've really begun to enjoy Dean Koontz. I have read the first two installments into the Frankenstein series, VERY interesting take on a very old tale. And one of his latest Life Expectancy, a very FUN book, I couldn't put it down.
The same people that I want to meet...funny how that works out.