Ü BiAnX Ü profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

~friendly and nice to those who do the same~
~im strong for my friends~
~im weak in LOVE ~
~sometimes moody~
~i have a strong personality~
~fight for what i believe is right~
~don't easily give up on things~
~seeks for a motivation factor when down~
~knows how to control myself~
~irritated with people who can't stand on their own~
~don't tolerate bad things~
~avoids to tell a lie~
~shows off the REAL "me"~
~absolutely not plastic~
~not hard to love~
~very loyal to my special someone~
~snobbish to enemies~
~want to explore more about the real world~
~don't want to be a cranky old lady in the future~
~can bring out the best of someone~
~have no pride at all~
~don't want to be mad~
~always want to SMILE & LAUGH ~

My Interests

♥fLiP fLoPs
♥bIg rOuNd eArInGs
♥eXtRaVaGaNt eArInGs
♥nEoN gReEn
♥nAiL poLiSh
♥iCe cReAm
♥hAm aNd cHeEsE
♥bAr hOpPiNg
♥iNtErIoR dEsIgN
♥cUtE gUyS
♥kIdDiE sTuFfS
♥mAh sIsTaHz
♥tExT tWist
♥bOhEmiAn aCcEsSoRiEs

I'd like to meet:

mEeT mY tRuE fRiEnDs oVeR aNd oVeR aGaiN..ü i wiLL sUreLy MiSs bSn-1P4 iN aDdU..gUyS wE rOcK! wE hAd sO mUcH fUn aNd shaRed aLmOsT eVerYtHinG...tHaNkS fOr tHe mEmOriEs..tHanKs fOr aLL tHe LaUghTeR aNd hAtRed (u kNw wHat thEy aRe) =p fOr aLL tHe KiLiG aNd kAkuLitAn..iM sO diSsApPoiNtEd =( iT wOuLd bE sO hArd To dO iT aLL aGaiN..wE hAvE a vEry hEctiV sCheDuLe nOw..hUhU..i gEz iL jUst sEe yAh gUyS iN tHe hOsPitAl aNd aNyWhErE...huhu..eveRy nYtOuTs wE hAd, i wiLl sUreLy tReaSuRe iT..aNd oH, tO mY tRoPa...... LoVe yAh!ü i dO nOt tReaT u jUsT mY oRdiNaRy fRiEnDs, bUt iNdEeD uR tRuLy a siSteR aNd a bRotHer tO mE..i wiLL nEvEr eVer FoRgEt aLL oUr eScApAdEs aNd fOoLiShNess...sPeCiaLy iN sUmMeR 2006..tHaT wAs a tOtaL bLasT!ü yAhOo! fOr tHe bEeR, mArGariTa, puLutAn, jOkEs, riDeS, bOyS aNd eVerYthiNg...huhuhu...uR BiAnKiKAy wiLL sUreLy miSs iT!ü

:::cLiCk enter tO ViEw mOrE pIx:::


*qUeEr fOe aN eYe
*aMbuSh mAkEoVeR
*riCh giRLs
*mAh cRiB
*cRanK yAnkErS
*sHortiEs wAtcHiNg sHoRtiEs
*tHe jOe sChMo sHoW
*pRiMetiMe gLiCk
*pReMiUm bLeNd
*HiP-HoP nAtiOn
*rEnO 911
*dRaWn tOgEtHeR
*wOrSe-cAsE sCeNaRiO
*wHoSe wEdDiNg iS iT aNyWaY?


*ChRiStIaN bOoKs
*sOmEtHinG ReLaTeD tO fAsHiOn aNd sOmE gUrL sTuFfS



My Blog

To tHe eNdS oF tHe eArTh

LoVe uNfAiLiNg, oVeRtAkiNg mY hEaRt, yOu tAkE mE iN FiNdInG pEaCe aGaIn, fEaR iS LoSt iN aLL yOu aRe aNd i wOuLd gIvE tO wOrLd tO teLl yOuR sToRy cOz i kNow tHaT yOu caLLeD mE i kNow tHat yOu ca...
Posted by Ü BiAnX Ü on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

wOrDs oF LoVe......Ü

"Being in love is what makes working all week bearable. It makes cruising with your windows rolled down feel like you're riding in a convertible. It makes you dance to the rythm of the copy machine an...
Posted by Ü BiAnX Ü on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


why cnt i be with the one i love? why cnt he love me just to end it up? why does he love someone when im here? cnt he feel the pain and see the tear? honestly, ive still been searching foe Mr....
Posted by Ü BiAnX Ü on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

it feels great to be in the right path...i love you God

wow! i feel very haapy..we have a youth camp last friday saturday and last ngaun..im a member in the YFC (Youth for Christ)..i did not regret it and i've realized so many things in life..God is so gre...
Posted by Ü BiAnX Ü on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


When love beckons to you follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to him, Though the sword hidden among his pinions May wound you. And when he spea...
Posted by Ü BiAnX Ü on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST