djing, drumming,music!!,girls,women, sluts,wannabes,weed,rock n roll, 666,voodoo,tocherd souls, recording, producing,making love,minding my bizniz!!!!
god, darth vader,''little horn"" and u, yeah u...
electronics,metal with 666 in it,dark trance/house/d'nb,jazz,joget,nasyid,chantig,mantra
star wars fucking kick ass man!!!!,seven,house of thousand corpse is fucking psyco!!!,excorsist ghouls rocks!!!schindler list is fucking political!!
channel v couse puala and sarah is one sexy b, simpsons, futurama couse bender got attitude, and spongebobsquarepants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
overrule heaven and hell now by z.m lucif,learn to spell.......what... i dont really read books!!!!!
anyone that could change the sick society today include me..........