Biographies; An Overview
Dear Music Lover and Big shot "make or break" media genius;
This letter is to introduce you to yet another band - THE AMOREYS -a FOR PEACE band outta Chicago.
Spiritually derived and deranged from the uplifting Dean Martin hit of a similar spelling (we especially like the part where "stars make you drool just like pasta fazool- boy can we relate!) the AMOREYS are about spreading the LUV by ANY means necessary.
After suffering on the listening end for too long to one depressing moaner after another droning on and on trying to convince us and the rest of their audience that life is over- We AMOREYS, who have lived a little, scoffed and decided to take matters into our own hands- WE LAUGH AT DEATH- Hardy-har-har!
It began in a bar, as most good stories do. One sweltering summer night after rehearsal the HARD WORKIN' AMOREYS (be sure to capitalize us, as we are very case sensitive!) were talkin' R&B over a pitcher of WEISS . As we sucked on our respective lemons, we had a moment of transcending brilliance. We realized some profound truths;
1. Just because you hit an occasional sour note, don't mean you suck!and the corollary...
2. When life hands you lemons, quarter them and order another pitcher of WEISS
Primary matters settled, we rehearsed more and more; night becoming day and vice-versa
There are currently Four AMOREYS named Andy, Bob, one of several drummers, and Rich.
Andy (harmonica & vocals): writes many lyrics reflecting his profound devotion to dialectical-materialism, cracked crab and the endless boogie. He HATES nostalgia.
Rick (guitar) engineer, custom amp builder, 25 hour a day worker. We haven't known him long enough to know what he hates. (Seems to tolerate Bam Bam).
Rich (bass & vocals): Handsome unavailable elder statesman-human metronome - has tiger bite. Yet, strangely, he doesn't HATE tigers.
Bam Bam (Drums): Drum Corp, rudements, broken knuckles: energetic solos. HATES lightning (don't ask).
There-Now you have all you need to know to LISTEN TO OUR CDwhich, we hope, you hold in your hand. We wanna be your most favorite band and if we bring you down in one song will lift you up in another. Have fun and always mix your messages thoroughlyWe will ALWAYS LUV YOUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO