writing love sonnets, taking moonlit strolls on the beach, , collecting my cats whiskers, talking about how cute my cats are, shaking my booty to good (or bad) music, acting silly, enjoying other's creative endeavors, talking in not-so-convincing accents, knitting very infrequently, digging though the basement bins at my local antique store, hanging out at green noise records, walking, generally enjoying nature anywhere, napping, cleaning house when i have a whole day to scrub in the tiny crevices with a toothbrush, eating, drinking,
I hear Wisconsin boys are pretty dang awesome!
what can i say, i grew up in oklahoma - it was cock rock, classic rock or country music. don't get me wrong, i like my george jones, marty robbins and johnny cash alright...but that other shit is, well, shit. that, combined with the fact that i'm in no way a musical snob, means that my musical tastes are not the most refined. if it rocks, i generally dig it. according to the most frequently played thingy on my ipod (tiny shudder), i can't seem to get enough of the methadones. but really. i can listen to them over and over and over and over. never tired of hearing them. and what else... ummmm...ok, it's silly, but i just discovered flight of the conchords on my ipod (my husband fills it up for me - it's always a surprise!!) and listening to that makes my bus rides bearable. hmmm, and for some reason i find myself listening to a lot of dirtnap releases as of late (go figure!),what else? oh, the reigning sound, King Khan BBQ Show...blah, blah, blah... (i like ellipses...a lot!)
Emmit Otter's Jug Band Christmas, Harold and Maude, Being There, The Muppet Movie...and many more
I have to admit, I love TV on DVD! So, I'm now, shamefully, and addict of Lost, Oz, Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm...but, I do try to keep this brain-dulling addiction to a minimum so I can go out and do other brain-dulling things, like consume lotsa alcohol. (okay, so I'm a light-weight so lotsa alcohol for me is like 4 drinks)
Does Dirty Found count as a book?? I've been trying to get thru White Teeth for a while, but I mostly end up reading whatever issue of Razorcake is lying around. Just read Justin from the Clorox Girls new book, Don't Take Your Life, and just started King Dork, mostly to foil my attempt to finish White Teeth. Ummm, also I like Small Deaths by Kate Breakey, Just For You by Mercer Mayer (it's a little critter book - if you dig deep in your childhood memories, you might recall them)
you are, silly!