Anna profile picture


If you want to be happy.... be! (Tolstoy)

About Me

Myspace Layouts & Myspace Graphics
Hi! I am a 35 year old nurse that works on a neurology floor/primary stroke unit in a suburban hospital. I love what I do - have been doing it for 14 years now and honestly can't imagine a better job. I work primarily 3rd shift, although as any nurse knows, that means nothing - you work, when you work!! I have been married to my husband for nearly 11 years now. We actually met at work. His friend was my patient when I worked on the HIV unit at Rush. He was positive and unfortunately passed away shortly after we met - about 2 weeks actually. It's amazing the things we shared with each other the first night I met him.... some things are meant to be, I guess. A shot out to all the other people in healthcare....... no matter what you do. Thank you for giving of yourselves and helping to makes someone's life a little better. Take pride in what you do - you have an amazing job!!
Name: Anna
Birthdate: June 27
Birthplace: Evergreen Park
Current Location: Brookfield
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown with red highlights
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: too much.... curvy and cute
Piercings: two - one in each ear
Tatoos: one - on my right ankle
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: hubby for nearly 11 years
Overused Phraze: fuck me!!
Food: italian - chicken cacciatore
Candy: chocolate - with nuts...mmmmmmm
Number: 25 or 13
Color: red
Animal: dog
Drink: caribou coffee - mint condition
Alcohol Drink: Woodchuck's Cider or Mojito's
Bagel: sesame seed - always
Letter: who knows......
Body Part on Opposite sex: eyes always get my attention
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi - coke sucks!
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: iced tea
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: depends on my mood - and how hot it is
Kiss or Hug: kiss
Dog or Cat: dog definitely!!
Rap or Punk: punk
Summer or Winter: well...... actually fall - but would pick summer if no other choice
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny movies - I am a little chicken shit!!
Love or Money: love - always
Bedtime: bedtime - who has time for sleep??
Most Missed Memory: the smell of my grandfather's cigars
Best phyiscal feature: eyes
First Thought Waking Up: not again
Goal for this year: go back to school for my Master's
Best Friends: Kelly, Sarita and Larry
Fears: failure - both personal and professional
Heritage: Croatian
Longest relationship: 12 years
Ever Drank: hmm hmm - just a little bit....
Ever Smoked: once - in college- didn't like it
Pot: never - no drugs, fucked up enough all on my own
Ever been Drunk: hmm hmm - just a little bit........
Ever been beaten up: yes - but that was a long time ago
Ever beaten someone up: once - after they started something with my little brother - I kicked her ass
Ever Shoplifted: yes - as a child
Ever Skinny Dipped: no - actually no - what the hell am I waiting for??
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: of course...... i like smooching....... lots!
Been Dumped Lately: nope
Favorite Eye Color: hazel
Favorite Hair Color: brown
Short or Long: short
Height: tall
Style: classy - sophisticated - smart
Looks or Personality: personality - definitely
Hot or Cute cute
Drugs and Alcohol: no
Muscular or Really Skinny: kind of in between
Number of Regrets in the Past: a few. nothing too impressive
What country do you want to Visit: Australia
How do you want to Die: with my hubby at my side
Been to the Mall Lately: mmm. no actually
Do you like Thunderstorms: love them - the smell in the air, the sounds, the feeling of the rain pelting your skin
Get along with your Parents: my mom, yes
Health Freak: uhhhhhh . no
Do you think your Attractive: yes
Believe in Yourself:
Want to go to College:
Do you Smoke:
Do you Drink:
Shower Daily:
Been in Love:
Do you Sing:
Want to get Married:
Do you want Children:
Have your future kids names planned out:
Age you lost your Virginity:
Hate anyone:

My Interests

I love reading - primarily fiction, murder mysteries - Harlan Coben, Michael Connelly, John Sandford (you get the jist), gardening - have tons of flower beds and perennial gardens around my house. I love color in my life - so something is always in bloom and looking fabulous. Also enjoy writing, scrapbooking, and enjoying my 11 nephews and nieces. You know who you guys are - love you bunches!!

I'd like to meet:

seriously??? who knows........ I just like meeting people. Have created some of the most amazing friendships in the weirdest places. Met my dearest friend running in gym in high school and bitching about the teacher. We have been friends now for 17 years and I am godmother to her beautiful daughter. So, who do I want to meet.... anyone that can add something beautiful to my life and hopefully I can inspire- in one form or another.


Love music - really a passion of mine...... have the radio or a CD on all the time. Seriously can't tell you the last time I watched TV - although I have to say, I don't miss it. Some of my favorites........ Ministry, KMFDM, Rammstein, Nine Inch Nails Korn - like old school industrial. What the hell are they calling it these days???? Also enjoy other artists too - Sarah McLachlan, The Stones, U2, Alanis Morissette, Pink Floyd - damn near anything except country, classical and jazz. Sorry, just not my thing.


Enjoy movies, but as I said, would rather be outside or listening to music....... so this list is much shorter. Favorite movie... City of Angels and Philadelphia - I know, sad ones, but both have a special place in my heart because of different reasons. I actually prefer comedies, but don't necessarily have any favorites in that category - just like to laugh.


Fan of dramas - "police shows"...... love CSI and Law and Order (SVU rocks), also Rescue Me on FX. TLC and Discovery Channel shows are great - but as I have said before, don't have to be watching TV to enjoy myself... have tons of other interests.


All of them - seriously.... how can I pick one!! Just give me something to read. Any suggestions??


Don't believe in heroes - no, really don't. There are people that I admire in this world, but since no one is perfect (and no, am not going to talk about Jesus Christ here), have never seen the rationale behind putting another human being on a pedestal. If you are special to me, you know it. That's that!!!