xX-My FreN CaLL me NyaM0cK-Xx profile picture

xX-My FreN CaLL me NyaM0cK-Xx

I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Name NyaMocK StyLoMiLo
Age 10+5-9x3=GueSS LeR??
Location: SoMewHeRe i'M BeLonG
Occupation: The GuiLd Cr3w !!
Likes: ShUffLe
Dislikes: Mkn ByK2..Mkn JaJan Je!!
Bands: Maroon5, FallOutBoy, Bad Religion, Kris, My Chemical Romance, Data, Fotograf, Evanescence, Linkin Park , AudioSlave, Trivium, and Maria.