** GO aHeaD aND LoOk.. Yes I kNow Hes FiNe TrY To RuN Up But He’S AlReaDy MiNes.. WheN He LooKS aT You, He LauGhs In YoUr Face yOu SILLY HOE, YOU SHOULD KNOW YOU CAN NEVER TAKE MY PLACE!!.. Go aHeaD And FlaUnT aNd DroP iT Like Its HoT.. Hold HiM DowN WhiLe Hes AwaY But HE KnOws DeEp DowN InSide Hes MiNe.. But No MaTter WhaT YoU Do HeLl fOrGEt ME??.. NoTTtt!! don’t Try To Be SneaKy And KeeP It On The Low BeCause You ShouLd AlreaDy Know ThaT To HiM Your JusT another Hoe !!**
watSz qoOd mySpace welcOme tO mii paqee; dha names josivel but they call me jOsii;; im 20 years Oldd &nd ii attend jOhn jay cOlleqee =] ii lOvf tO qO clubiin driinqk and have fun. i dO watever i liqke &nd i careless abOut waht peOple thinqk cuSz peOple always turn Out tO be waht they prOmiised nOt tO be;; and thereSz toO manyy faqkes Out theaa. ii have nO reqretSz lifes toO shOrt fuh dhat. iif u dOnt liqke me. dOnt requeSt me cuSz all yOuh dOinn iiSz waStiin ur tiimee;; Of CouRse ii wOrk... i qOt nO tiime fuh drama;; im toO OLd fuh dhat shytt By NoW; beliieve mee.
ii was bOrn on may 17th sO dhat makqes me a taurus whiich meanSz ii stayy hella flyy =] iim 100% dOminican all dhayy =] well peOple rarely read thiis kiinda stuff anywayss sO iim Outt =] enjOy the paqee lamess. |biitcheSz iiSz mad theSe daiiSz cuSz they man'Sz stayy On jOsii'Sz shxt!!| but quess what? i dOnt qive a flyiin fxckkkk!
tattoOs;; iitSz a hell Of a druq;; ii lOvf em =]