Photography, MALE NUDES I adore. GARDENNING Massaging, and Anything odd or obscure i enjoy
Maggie Smith because I am made in her image (really),Anthony and the Johnsons because he, Anthony has touched me in a way with his voice like no other, (I listen to some incredible voices),Anthonys' vocals are penetrating nerve endings reaching so so deep inside me, The words he warbles seem written for me.I feel I know him, when I saw him on OZ he had such tremblig fragilty, so nervous, but that atmosphere that face that voice.Diamanda Gallas, for sheer enthrallment, energy, poignency profundity, The bleakest blacknes that is this earth under the blanket of ignorance. She reengages me with "The dark End of the Street" a personal favourite in my hidden-gay teens.Oh Diamanda, I cannot go on without mentioning "Let's Not Chat about Despair", Rivetting verses of stabbing reality and Truth!Kate Bush, I feel she is a family member knowing and loving her so much like I do, I love her stunning new 'takes' on what is considered truly beautiful music ,she's taking music on a musical journey and me along with her! many memories of my life are filled with Kates voice!Elizaeth Fraser, her throat, it 'canarys' then whispers so woodland and full of imagination, another Journey Voice, actually her voice is a place!David Bowie, if not for listening to in my early teens, I would never have loved (the brittish) Punk rock scene.More comming soon.................
Ill do this later there are too many
The Naked Lunch, The City of lost Children, The Exorcist,Dune, Im not a big movie buff
too much
not enough
Everyone I have mentioned above, plus there are some real special people in my life so in no particular order,,,Daniel, Gwen, Cindy Pastel(my sissypoo), Courtny Act, Vanity Fair, Dallas De La Force, Terry(Teresa Green), Ian Jopson and every body in my immediate family! I'll finnish this later too