EQ, Zippy, music,music.. my cats.. my friends!!!
Ok we like string, we like milk tops, balled up paper, hacking up hair balls on moms stuff *or in her shoes* and we like all animals, just cause were a herd of cats dont mean we dont like others *even hack dogs*
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I am allowed to live in the house of the 5 cats, I am here for feeding and loveeeee .. pets pets pets scccratccchesss and belly rubs..I do the page as per the cats tell me. but it has turned into the cats page..
here is molly
and Fang
and katana
here is stinky
and shredder
This is my version of how they came to live with me, the cats are still writing their versions.. they are cats they take a long time to tell a tail. :)I have my baby girl (ok fine she is 10 now)(still my baby )Katana I rescued her when she was a baby, she is a poly has 23 toes :) she is a freak!! but I love her anyway.she is a bengal mix, spotted belly and she is about 18 lbs.. not so much fat but just big big girl :) she is the Queen of the house.. dont let the others tell you any diffrent!!I have my sweetie pie Molly who is also a rescue and a princess like mommy she is all about the spa time (being I sit and brush her for ever and ever and rub her ears) she is a normal tabby but has the cutest white stripe on her nose :)My granny cat Fang again rescue-- there is a theme here I think -- :)she is a black cat she is 20 yrs young and still has paws of furry and will kick some tail, she lived thru a lot she lived in NY on the street then got rescued and then went to WI to live on a farm where she got hurt and now lives in the palace (aka my bedroom... the other cats were picking on her because she is old and smelly . so she has her own room her own litter, window seat, big bed, food water toys and wakes mommy up at 4 am to get nightly feedings.. just cause :)my rides the short bus cat Stinky need i say it .. rescue cat who got his name for a reason.. he smells like butt!! but I luvs him anyway.he is black all but one white spot on his belly.. so cute :) he will sit on my shoulders and I can walk around the house do dishes and anything else and he just lays there. he wants to be with me 24/7 and will chase a toy for hours!and my baby boy Shredder who is my rainbow alt life style cat who prances about my house and if were he a person would be just jack from will and grace!! he is a mamma's boy!!! he has a rainbow cat blanked that he just loves he does not meow he says mew loves me and is scared of everyone else.. he is a russian blue.. omg he is just everything that is a russian blue..
more kitty stories later :)
Buried at PhotoCasket.comKeanu Reaves!! hubba hubba I know I know will never happen.. sigh
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what dont I like the cats didnt have any music picks they could kill the person who made jingle cats or the barking dog song. so for me .. I have the blender of mp3 players.. I have Thin Lizzy ( the greatest band ever *per Gary*), The bee gees, musicals, country, pop, emo, rock, NO RAP so sorry but just um.. no, I have to date about 2000 songs in my music player.. and adding more everyday!!
the cats and I agree on some of this but 300!! aroooo loved it saw it 5 times.. will own it the second it comes out!! and I have money to buy it :)
clasics real genuis, singing in the rain, the best of the best 1 and 2 ,,, guess my movies are like my music lol
for the cats lets see.. cats and dogs, lion king, george of jungle, things like that..
Which Princess Bride Character are You?
this quiz was made by mysti
This is all me.. the cats have better things to do then watch tv.. they have couches to scratch, rugs to hack on, litter to stink up.. things to knock over.
I just love crinial minds.. own the first season !! cant want to get the second and watch the new season!!This is a I HAVE to watch show! and I dont know why but I just love matthew gary gubler! mismatched socks and all!
Love CSI vegas!!
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Buried at PhotoCasket.comhttp://www.nbc.com/Law_&_Order:_Criminal_
crinainal intent rocks..its a must watch!!there are other shows but these would have to be the top ones!
raymond feist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lots of sci fi, dragons lance was one of the first set of books I had. oh.. any and all books about cats :)
My Dad!! wish he were here, miss him much!!